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2024-10-28 15:03:36 +05:30
{"version":3,"names":["ErrorToString","Function","call","bind","Error","prototype","toString","SUPPORTED","captureStackTrace","_Object$getOwnPropert","Object","getOwnPropertyDescriptor","writable","START_HIDING","STOP_HIDING","expectedErrors","WeakSet","virtualFrames","WeakMap","CallSite","filename","create","isNative","isConstructor","isToplevel","getFileName","getLineNumber","undefined","getColumnNumber","getFunctionName","getMethodName","getTypeName","injectVirtualStackFrame","error","frames","get","set","push","expectedError","add","beginHiddenCallStack","fn","defineProperty","args","setupPrepareStackTrace","value","endHiddenCallStack","prepareStackTrace","defaultPrepareStackTrace","MIN_STACK_TRACE_LIMIT","stackTraceLimit","Math","max","stackTraceRewriter","err","trace","newTrace","isExpected","has","status","i","length","name","unshift","join"],"sources":["../../src/errors/rewrite-stack-trace.ts"],"sourcesContent":["/**\n * This file uses the internal V8 Stack Trace API (https://v8.dev/docs/stack-trace-api)\n * to provide utilities to rewrite the stack trace.\n * When this API is not present, all the functions in this file become noops.\n *\n * beginHiddenCallStack(fn) and endHiddenCallStack(fn) wrap their parameter to\n * mark an hidden portion of the stack trace. The function passed to\n * beginHiddenCallStack is the first hidden function, while the function passed\n * to endHiddenCallStack is the first shown function.\n *\n * When an error is thrown _outside_ of the hidden zone, everything between\n * beginHiddenCallStack and endHiddenCallStack will not be shown.\n * If an error is thrown _inside_ the hidden zone, then the whole stack trace\n * will be visible: this is to avoid hiding real bugs.\n * However, if an error inside the hidden zone is expected, it can be marked\n * with the expectedError(error) function to keep the hidden frames hidden.\n *\n * Consider this call stack (the outer function is the bottom one):\n *\n * 1. a()\n * 2. endHiddenCallStack(b)()\n * 3. c()\n * 4. beginHiddenCallStack(d)()\n * 5. e()\n * 6. f()\n *\n * - If a() throws an error, then its shown call stack will be \"a, b, e, f\"\n * - If b() throws an error, then its shown call stack will be \"b, e, f\"\n * - If c() throws an expected error, then its shown call stack will be \"e, f\"\n * - If c() throws an unexpected error, then its shown call stack will be \"c, d, e, f\"\n * - If d() throws an expected error, then its shown call stack will be \"e, f\"\n * - If d() throws an unexpected error, then its shown call stack will be \"d, e, f\"\n * - If e() throws an error, then its shown call stack will be \"e, f\"\n *\n * Additionally, an error can inject additional \"virtual\" stack frames using the\n * injectVirtualStackFrame(error, filename) function: those are injected as a\n * replacement of the hidden frames.\n * In the example above, if we called injectVirtualStackFrame(err, \"h\") and\n * injectVirtualStackFrame(err, \"i\") on the expected error thrown by c(), its\n * shown call stack would have been \"h, i, e, f\".\n * This can be useful, for example, to report config validation errors as if they\n * were directly thrown in the config file.\n */\n\nconst ErrorToString = Function.call.bind(Error.prototype.toString);\n\nconst SUPPORTED =\n !!Error.captureStackTrace &&\n Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Error, \"stackTraceLimit\")?.writable === true;\n\nconst START_HIDING = \"startHiding - secret - don't use this - v1\";\nconst STOP_HIDING = \"stopHiding - secret - don't use this - v1\";\n\ntype CallSite = NodeJS.CallSite;\n\nconst expectedErrors = new WeakSet<Error>();\nconst virtualFrames = new WeakMap<Error, CallSite[]>();\n\nfunction CallSite(filename: string): CallSite {\n // We need to use a prototype otherwise it breaks source-map-support's internals\n return Object.create({\n isNative: () => false,\n isConstructor: () => false,\n isToplevel: () => true,\n getFileName: () => filename,\n getLineNumber: () => undefined,\n getColumnNumber: () => undefined,\n getFunctionName: () => undefined