import { Column } from "../../../entities/column"; import { IComponent } from "../../../interfaces/iComponent"; import { AgGridCommon } from "../../../interfaces/iCommon"; import { Component } from "../../../widgets/component"; import { SortDirection } from "../../../entities/colDef"; export interface IHeaderParams extends AgGridCommon { /** The column the header is for. */ column: Column; /** * The name to display for the column. * If the column is using a headerValueGetter, the displayName will take this into account. */ displayName: string; /** * Whether sorting is enabled for the column. * Only put sort logic into your header if this is true. */ enableSorting: boolean | undefined; /** * Whether menu is enabled for the column. * Only display a menu button in your header if this is true. */ enableMenu: boolean; /** * Whether filter button should be displayed in the header (for new column menu). */ enableFilterButton: boolean; /** * Whether filter icon should be displayed in the header (for legacy tabbed column menu). */ enableFilterIcon: boolean; /** * Callback to request the grid to show the column menu. * Pass in the html element of the column menu button to have the * grid position the menu over the button. */ showColumnMenu: (source: HTMLElement) => void; /** * Callback to request the grid to show the column menu. * Similar to `showColumnMenu`, but will position the menu next to the provided `mouseEvent`. */ showColumnMenuAfterMouseClick: (mouseEvent: MouseEvent | Touch) => void; /** * Callback to request the grid to show the filter. * Pass in the html element of the filter button to have the * grid position the menu over the button. */ showFilter: (source: HTMLElement) => void; /** * Callback to progress the sort for this column. * The grid will decide the next sort direction eg ascending, descending or 'no sort'. * Pass `multiSort=true` if you want to do a multi sort (eg user has Shift held down when they click). */ progressSort: (multiSort?: boolean) => void; /** * Callback to set the sort for this column. * Pass the sort direction to use ignoring the current sort eg one of 'asc', 'desc' or null (for no sort). * Pass `multiSort=true` if you want to do a multi sort (eg user has Shift held down when they click) */ setSort: (sort: SortDirection, multiSort?: boolean) => void; /** Custom header template if provided to `headerComponentParams`, otherwise will be `undefined`. See [Header Templates]( */ template?: string; /** * The header the grid provides. * The custom header component is a child of the grid provided header. * The grid's header component is what contains the grid managed functionality such as resizing, keyboard navigation etc. * This is provided should you want to make changes to this cell, * eg add ARIA tags, or add keyboard event listener (as focus goes here when navigating to the header). */ eGridHeader: HTMLElement; /** * Sets a tooltip to the main element of this component. * @param value The value to be displayed by the tooltip * @param shouldDisplayTooltip A function returning a boolean that allows the tooltip to be displayed conditionally. This option does not work when `enableBrowserTooltips={true}`. */ setTooltip: (value: string, shouldDisplayTooltip?: () => boolean) => void; } export interface IHeader { /** Get the header to refresh. Gets called whenever Column Defs are updated. */ refresh(params: IHeaderParams): boolean; } export interface IHeaderComp extends IHeader, IComponent { } export declare class HeaderComp extends Component implements IHeaderComp { private static TEMPLATE; private sortController; private menuService; private readonly columnModel; private eFilter; private eFilterButton?; private eSortIndicator; private eMenu?; private eLabel; private eText; /** * Selectors for custom headers templates */ private eSortOrder; private eSortAsc; private eSortDesc; private eSortMixed; private eSortNone; private params; private lastMovingChanged; private currentDisplayName; private currentTemplate; private currentShowMenu; private currentSuppressMenuHide; private currentSort; destroy(): void; refresh(params: IHeaderParams): boolean; private workOutTemplate; init(params: IHeaderParams): void; private setDisplayName; private addInIcon; private setupTap; private workOutShowMenu; private shouldSuppressMenuHide; private setMenu; onMenuKeyboardShortcut(isFilterShortcut: boolean): boolean; private workOutSort; setupSort(): void; private setupFilterIcon; private setupFilterButton; private configureFilter; private onFilterChangedIcon; private onFilterChangedButton; getAnchorElementForMenu(isFilter?: boolean): HTMLElement; }