import assetManager from '../../utils/helpers/assetManager'; import getBlendMode from '../../utils/helpers/blendModes'; import Matrix from '../../3rd_party/transformation-matrix'; import CVEffects from './CVEffects'; import CVMaskElement from './CVMaskElement'; import effectTypes from '../../utils/helpers/effectTypes'; function CVBaseElement() { } var operationsMap = { 1: 'source-in', 2: 'source-out', 3: 'source-in', 4: 'source-out', }; CVBaseElement.prototype = { createElements: function () {}, initRendererElement: function () {}, createContainerElements: function () { // If the layer is masked we will use two buffers to store each different states of the drawing // This solution is not ideal for several reason. But unfortunately, because of the recursive // nature of the render tree, it's the only simple way to make sure one inner mask doesn't override an outer mask. // TODO: try to reduce the size of these buffers to the size of the composition contaning the layer // It might be challenging because the layer most likely is transformed in some way if ( >= 1) { this.buffers = []; var canvasContext = this.globalData.canvasContext; var bufferCanvas = assetManager.createCanvas(canvasContext.canvas.width, canvasContext.canvas.height); this.buffers.push(bufferCanvas); var bufferCanvas2 = assetManager.createCanvas(canvasContext.canvas.width, canvasContext.canvas.height); this.buffers.push(bufferCanvas2); if ( >= 3 && !document._isProxy) { assetManager.loadLumaCanvas(); } } this.canvasContext = this.globalData.canvasContext; this.transformCanvas = this.globalData.transformCanvas; this.renderableEffectsManager = new CVEffects(this); this.searchEffectTransforms(); }, createContent: function () {}, setBlendMode: function () { var globalData = this.globalData; if (globalData.blendMode !== { globalData.blendMode =; var blendModeValue = getBlendMode(; globalData.canvasContext.globalCompositeOperation = blendModeValue; } }, createRenderableComponents: function () { this.maskManager = new CVMaskElement(, this); this.transformEffects = this.renderableEffectsManager.getEffects(effectTypes.TRANSFORM_EFFECT); }, hideElement: function () { if (!this.hidden && (!this.isInRange || this.isTransparent)) { this.hidden = true; } }, showElement: function () { if (this.isInRange && !this.isTransparent) { this.hidden = false; this._isFirstFrame = true; this.maskManager._isFirstFrame = true; } }, clearCanvas: function (canvasContext) { canvasContext.clearRect( this.transformCanvas.tx, this.transformCanvas.ty, this.transformCanvas.w *, this.transformCanvas.h * ); }, prepareLayer: function () { if ( >= 1) { var buffer = this.buffers[0]; var bufferCtx = buffer.getContext('2d'); this.clearCanvas(bufferCtx); // on the first buffer we store the current state of the global drawing bufferCtx.drawImage(this.canvasContext.canvas, 0, 0); // The next four lines are to clear the canvas // TODO: Check if there is a way to clear the canvas without resetting the transform this.currentTransform = this.canvasContext.getTransform(); this.canvasContext.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); this.clearCanvas(this.canvasContext); this.canvasContext.setTransform(this.currentTransform); } }, exitLayer: function () { if ( >= 1) { var buffer = this.buffers[1]; // On the second buffer we store the current state of the global drawing // that only contains the content of this layer // (if it is a composition, it also includes the nested layers) var bufferCtx = buffer.getContext('2d'); this.clearCanvas(bufferCtx); bufferCtx.drawImage(this.canvasContext.canvas, 0, 0); // We clear the canvas again this.canvasContext.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); this.clearCanvas(this.canvasContext); this.canvasContext.setTransform(this.currentTransform); // We draw the mask const mask = this.comp.getElementById('tp' in ? : - 1); mask.renderFrame(true); // We draw the second buffer (that contains the content of this layer) this.canvasContext.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); // If the mask is a Luma matte, we need to do two extra painting operations // the _isProxy check is to avoid drawing a fake canvas in workers that will throw an error if ( >= 3 && !document._isProxy) { // We copy the painted mask to a buffer that has a color matrix filter applied to it // that applies the rgb values to the alpha channel var lumaBuffer = assetManager.getLumaCanvas(this.canvasContext.canvas); var lumaBufferCtx = lumaBuffer.getContext('2d'); lumaBufferCtx.drawImage(this.canvasContext.canvas, 0, 0); this.clearCanvas(this.canvasContext); // we repaint the context with the mask applied to it this.canvasContext.drawImage(lumaBuffer, 0, 0); } this.canvasContext.globalCompositeOperation = operationsMap[]; this.canvasContext.drawImage(buffer, 0, 0); // We finally draw the first buffer (that contains the content of the global drawing) // We use destination-over to draw the global drawing below the current layer this.canvasContext.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-over'; this.canvasContext.drawImage(this.buffers[0], 0, 0); this.canvasContext.setTransform(this.currentTransform); // We reset the globalCompositeOperation to source-over, the standard type of operation this.canvasContext.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over'; } }, renderFrame: function (forceRender) { if (this.hidden || { return; } if ( === 1 && !forceRender) { return; } this.renderTransform(); this.renderRenderable(); this.renderLocalTransform(); this.setBlendMode(); var forceRealStack = === 0; this.prepareLayer();; this.globalData.renderer.ctxTransform(this.finalTransform.localMat.props); this.globalData.renderer.ctxOpacity(this.finalTransform.localOpacity); this.renderInnerContent(); this.globalData.renderer.restore(forceRealStack); this.exitLayer(); if (this.maskManager.hasMasks) { this.globalData.renderer.restore(true); } if (this._isFirstFrame) { this._isFirstFrame = false; } }, destroy: function () { this.canvasContext = null; = null; this.globalData = null; this.maskManager.destroy(); }, mHelper: new Matrix(), }; CVBaseElement.prototype.hide = CVBaseElement.prototype.hideElement; = CVBaseElement.prototype.showElement; export default CVBaseElement;