import React from 'react'; import { TypeOptions, ToastClassName, Theme } from '../types'; export interface ProgressBarProps { /** * The animation delay which determine when to close the toast */ delay: number; /** * Whether or not the animation is running or paused */ isRunning: boolean; /** * Func to close the current toast */ closeToast: () => void; /** * Optional type : info, success ... */ type?: TypeOptions; /** * The theme that is currently used */ theme: Theme; /** * Hide or not the progress bar */ hide?: boolean; /** * Optional className */ className?: ToastClassName; /** * Optional inline style */ style?: React.CSSProperties; /** * Tell wether or not controlled progress bar is used */ controlledProgress?: boolean; /** * Controlled progress value */ progress?: number | string; /** * Support rtl content */ rtl?: boolean; /** * Tell if the component is visible on screen or not */ isIn?: boolean; } export declare function ProgressBar({ delay, isRunning, closeToast, type, hide, className, style: userStyle, controlledProgress, progress, rtl, isIn, theme }: ProgressBarProps): React.JSX.Element;