# @mui/icons-material This package provides the Google [Material Icons](https://fonts.google.com/icons?icon.set=Material+Icons) converted to [`SvgIcon`](https://mui.com/material-ui/api/svg-icon/) components. ## Installation Install the package in your project directory with: ```bash npm install @mui/icons-material ``` These components use the MaterialĀ UI's [SvgIcon](https://mui.com/material-ui/api/svg-icon) component to render the SVG path for each icon. If you are not already using MaterialĀ UI in your project, you can add it with: ```bash npm install @mui/material ``` ## Documentation - [The SvgIcon documentation](https://mui.com/material-ui/icons/#svgicon) - [The Material Design icons search](https://mui.com/material-ui/material-icons/) ## Contributing This icon set is meant to be in sync with Google's Material Icons. Therefore, we don't accept fixes, additions, or any other contributions that would make this package diverge from the source. To synchronize with Material Icons, do the following: 1. Inside this workspace run `pnpm src:download` 2. Inside this workspace run `pnpm src:icons` 3. Inside the root run `pnpm docs:mdicons:synonyms` 4. If the number of icons changes significantly, edit the icons/icons.md and material-icons/material-icons.md under docs/data/material/components and update the numbers.