import {Except} from './except';

Create a type that requires at least one of the given keys. The remaining keys are kept as is.

import {RequireAtLeastOne} from 'type-fest';

type Responder = {
	text?: () => string;
	json?: () => string;

	secure?: boolean;

const responder: RequireAtLeastOne<Responder, 'text' | 'json'> = {
	json: () => '{"message": "ok"}',
	secure: true
export type RequireAtLeastOne<
	KeysType extends keyof ObjectType = keyof ObjectType
> = {
	// For each `Key` in `KeysType` make a mapped type:
	[Key in KeysType]-?: Required<Pick<ObjectType, Key>> & // 1. Make `Key`'s type required
		// 2. Make all other keys in `KeysType` optional
		Partial<Pick<ObjectType, Exclude<KeysType, Key>>>;
}[KeysType] &
	// 3. Add the remaining keys not in `KeysType`
	Except<ObjectType, KeysType>;