import { extendPrototype, } from '../../utils/functionExtensions'; import { getLocationHref } from '../../main'; import ShapePropertyFactory from '../../utils/shapes/ShapeProperty'; import BaseElement from '../BaseElement'; import TransformElement from '../helpers/TransformElement'; import SVGBaseElement from './SVGBaseElement'; import HierarchyElement from '../helpers/HierarchyElement'; import FrameElement from '../helpers/FrameElement'; import RenderableDOMElement from '../helpers/RenderableDOMElement'; import getBlendMode from '../../utils/helpers/blendModes'; import Matrix from '../../3rd_party/transformation-matrix'; import IShapeElement from '../ShapeElement'; import TransformPropertyFactory from '../../utils/TransformProperty'; import { ShapeModifiers } from '../../utils/shapes/ShapeModifiers'; import { lineCapEnum, lineJoinEnum, } from '../../utils/helpers/shapeEnums'; import SVGShapeData from '../helpers/shapes/SVGShapeData'; import SVGStyleData from '../helpers/shapes/SVGStyleData'; import SVGStrokeStyleData from '../helpers/shapes/SVGStrokeStyleData'; import SVGFillStyleData from '../helpers/shapes/SVGFillStyleData'; import SVGNoStyleData from '../helpers/shapes/SVGNoStyleData'; import SVGGradientFillStyleData from '../helpers/shapes/SVGGradientFillStyleData'; import SVGGradientStrokeStyleData from '../helpers/shapes/SVGGradientStrokeStyleData'; import ShapeGroupData from '../helpers/shapes/ShapeGroupData'; import SVGTransformData from '../helpers/shapes/SVGTransformData'; import SVGElementsRenderer from '../helpers/shapes/SVGElementsRenderer'; function SVGShapeElement(data, globalData, comp) { // List of drawable elements this.shapes = []; // Full shape data this.shapesData = data.shapes; // List of styles that will be applied to shapes this.stylesList = []; // List of modifiers that will be applied to shapes this.shapeModifiers = []; // List of items in shape tree this.itemsData = []; // List of items in previous shape tree this.processedElements = []; // List of animated components this.animatedContents = []; this.initElement(data, globalData, comp); // Moving any property that doesn't get too much access after initialization because of v8 way of handling more than 10 properties. // List of elements that have been created this.prevViewData = []; // Moving any property that doesn't get too much access after initialization because of v8 way of handling more than 10 properties. } extendPrototype([BaseElement, TransformElement, SVGBaseElement, IShapeElement, HierarchyElement, FrameElement, RenderableDOMElement], SVGShapeElement); SVGShapeElement.prototype.initSecondaryElement = function () { }; SVGShapeElement.prototype.identityMatrix = new Matrix(); SVGShapeElement.prototype.buildExpressionInterface = function () {}; SVGShapeElement.prototype.createContent = function () { this.searchShapes(this.shapesData, this.itemsData, this.prevViewData, this.layerElement, 0, [], true); this.filterUniqueShapes(); }; /* This method searches for multiple shapes that affect a single element and one of them is animated */ SVGShapeElement.prototype.filterUniqueShapes = function () { var i; var len = this.shapes.length; var shape; var j; var jLen = this.stylesList.length; var style; var tempShapes = []; var areAnimated = false; for (j = 0; j < jLen; j += 1) { style = this.stylesList[j]; areAnimated = false; tempShapes.length = 0; for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { shape = this.shapes[i]; if (shape.styles.indexOf(style) !== -1) { tempShapes.push(shape); areAnimated = shape._isAnimated || areAnimated; } } if (tempShapes.length > 1 && areAnimated) { this.setShapesAsAnimated(tempShapes); } } }; SVGShapeElement.prototype.setShapesAsAnimated = function (shapes) { var i; var len = shapes.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { shapes[i].setAsAnimated(); } }; SVGShapeElement.prototype.createStyleElement = function (data, level) { // TODO: prevent drawing of hidden styles var elementData; var styleOb = new SVGStyleData(data, level); var pathElement = styleOb.pElem; if (data.ty === 'st') { elementData = new SVGStrokeStyleData(this, data, styleOb); } else if (data.ty === 'fl') { elementData = new SVGFillStyleData(this, data, styleOb); } else if (data.ty === 'gf' || data.ty === 'gs') { var GradientConstructor = data.ty === 'gf' ? SVGGradientFillStyleData : SVGGradientStrokeStyleData; elementData = new GradientConstructor(this, data, styleOb); this.globalData.defs.appendChild(; if (elementData.maskId) { this.globalData.defs.appendChild(; this.globalData.defs.appendChild(elementData.of); pathElement.setAttribute('mask', 'url(' + getLocationHref() + '#' + elementData.maskId + ')'); } } else if (data.ty === 'no') { elementData = new SVGNoStyleData(this, data, styleOb); } if (data.ty === 'st' || data.ty === 'gs') { pathElement.setAttribute('stroke-linecap', lineCapEnum[ || 2]); pathElement.setAttribute('stroke-linejoin', lineJoinEnum[data.lj || 2]); pathElement.setAttribute('fill-opacity', '0'); if (data.lj === 1) { pathElement.setAttribute('stroke-miterlimit',; } } if (data.r === 2) { pathElement.setAttribute('fill-rule', 'evenodd'); } if (data.ln) { pathElement.setAttribute('id', data.ln); } if ( { pathElement.setAttribute('class',; } if ( {['mix-blend-mode'] = getBlendMode(; } this.stylesList.push(styleOb); this.addToAnimatedContents(data, elementData); return elementData; }; SVGShapeElement.prototype.createGroupElement = function (data) { var elementData = new ShapeGroupData(); if (data.ln) {'id', data.ln); } if ( {'class',; } if ( {['mix-blend-mode'] = getBlendMode(; } return elementData; }; SVGShapeElement.prototype.createTransformElement = function (data, container) { var transformProperty = TransformPropertyFactory.getTransformProperty(this, data, this); var elementData = new SVGTransformData(transformProperty, transformProperty.o, container); this.addToAnimatedContents(data, elementData); return elementData; }; SVGShapeElement.prototype.createShapeElement = function (data, ownTransformers, level) { var ty = 4; if (data.ty === 'rc') { ty = 5; } else if (data.ty === 'el') { ty = 6; } else if (data.ty === 'sr') { ty = 7; } var shapeProperty = ShapePropertyFactory.getShapeProp(this, data, ty, this); var elementData = new SVGShapeData(ownTransformers, level, shapeProperty); this.shapes.push(elementData); this.addShapeToModifiers(elementData); this.addToAnimatedContents(data, elementData); return elementData; }; SVGShapeElement.prototype.addToAnimatedContents = function (data, element) { var i = 0; var len = this.animatedContents.length; while (i < len) { if (this.animatedContents[i].element === element) { return; } i += 1; } this.animatedContents.push({ fn: SVGElementsRenderer.createRenderFunction(data), element: element, data: data, }); }; SVGShapeElement.prototype.setElementStyles = function (elementData) { var arr = elementData.styles; var j; var jLen = this.stylesList.length; for (j = 0; j < jLen; j += 1) { if (!this.stylesList[j].closed) { arr.push(this.stylesList[j]); } } }; SVGShapeElement.prototype.reloadShapes = function () { this._isFirstFrame = true; var i; var len = this.itemsData.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { this.prevViewData[i] = this.itemsData[i]; } this.searchShapes(this.shapesData, this.itemsData, this.prevViewData, this.layerElement, 0, [], true); this.filterUniqueShapes(); len = this.dynamicProperties.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { this.dynamicProperties[i].getValue(); } this.renderModifiers(); }; SVGShapeElement.prototype.searchShapes = function (arr, itemsData, prevViewData, container, level, transformers, render) { var ownTransformers = [].concat(transformers); var i; var len = arr.length - 1; var j; var jLen; var ownStyles = []; var ownModifiers = []; var currentTransform; var modifier; var processedPos; for (i = len; i >= 0; i -= 1) { processedPos = this.searchProcessedElement(arr[i]); if (!processedPos) { arr[i]._render = render; } else { itemsData[i] = prevViewData[processedPos - 1]; } if (arr[i].ty === 'fl' || arr[i].ty === 'st' || arr[i].ty === 'gf' || arr[i].ty === 'gs' || arr[i].ty === 'no') { if (!processedPos) { itemsData[i] = this.createStyleElement(arr[i], level); } else { itemsData[i].style.closed = false; } if (arr[i]._render) { if (itemsData[i].style.pElem.parentNode !== container) { container.appendChild(itemsData[i].style.pElem); } } ownStyles.push(itemsData[i].style); } else if (arr[i].ty === 'gr') { if (!processedPos) { itemsData[i] = this.createGroupElement(arr[i]); } else { jLen = itemsData[i].it.length; for (j = 0; j < jLen; j += 1) { itemsData[i].prevViewData[j] = itemsData[i].it[j]; } } this.searchShapes(arr[i].it, itemsData[i].it, itemsData[i].prevViewData, itemsData[i].gr, level + 1, ownTransformers, render); if (arr[i]._render) { if (itemsData[i].gr.parentNode !== container) { container.appendChild(itemsData[i].gr); } } } else if (arr[i].ty === 'tr') { if (!processedPos) { itemsData[i] = this.createTransformElement(arr[i], container); } currentTransform = itemsData[i].transform; ownTransformers.push(currentTransform); } else if (arr[i].ty === 'sh' || arr[i].ty === 'rc' || arr[i].ty === 'el' || arr[i].ty === 'sr') { if (!processedPos) { itemsData[i] = this.createShapeElement(arr[i], ownTransformers, level); } this.setElementStyles(itemsData[i]); } else if (arr[i].ty === 'tm' || arr[i].ty === 'rd' || arr[i].ty === 'ms' || arr[i].ty === 'pb' || arr[i].ty === 'zz' || arr[i].ty === 'op') { if (!processedPos) { modifier = ShapeModifiers.getModifier(arr[i].ty); modifier.init(this, arr[i]); itemsData[i] = modifier; this.shapeModifiers.push(modifier); } else { modifier = itemsData[i]; modifier.closed = false; } ownModifiers.push(modifier); } else if (arr[i].ty === 'rp') { if (!processedPos) { modifier = ShapeModifiers.getModifier(arr[i].ty); itemsData[i] = modifier; modifier.init(this, arr, i, itemsData); this.shapeModifiers.push(modifier); render = false; } else { modifier = itemsData[i]; modifier.closed = true; } ownModifiers.push(modifier); } this.addProcessedElement(arr[i], i + 1); } len = ownStyles.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { ownStyles[i].closed = true; } len = ownModifiers.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { ownModifiers[i].closed = true; } }; SVGShapeElement.prototype.renderInnerContent = function () { this.renderModifiers(); var i; var len = this.stylesList.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { this.stylesList[i].reset(); } this.renderShape(); for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { if (this.stylesList[i]._mdf || this._isFirstFrame) { if (this.stylesList[i].msElem) { this.stylesList[i].msElem.setAttribute('d', this.stylesList[i].d); // Adding M0 0 fixes same mask bug on all browsers this.stylesList[i].d = 'M0 0' + this.stylesList[i].d; } this.stylesList[i].pElem.setAttribute('d', this.stylesList[i].d || 'M0 0'); } } }; SVGShapeElement.prototype.renderShape = function () { var i; var len = this.animatedContents.length; var animatedContent; for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { animatedContent = this.animatedContents[i]; if ((this._isFirstFrame || animatedContent.element._isAnimated) && !== true) { animatedContent.fn(, animatedContent.element, this._isFirstFrame); } } }; SVGShapeElement.prototype.destroy = function () { this.destroyBaseElement(); this.shapesData = null; this.itemsData = null; }; export default SVGShapeElement;