2024-10-28 15:03:36 +05:30

323 lines
11 KiB

import {
} from '../../utils/functionExtensions';
import {
} from '../../utils/helpers/arrays';
import createNS from '../../utils/helpers/svg_elements';
import BaseElement from '../BaseElement';
import TransformElement from '../helpers/TransformElement';
import SVGBaseElement from './SVGBaseElement';
import HierarchyElement from '../helpers/HierarchyElement';
import FrameElement from '../helpers/FrameElement';
import RenderableDOMElement from '../helpers/RenderableDOMElement';
import ITextElement from '../TextElement';
import SVGCompElement from './SVGCompElement'; // eslint-disable-line
import SVGShapeElement from './SVGShapeElement';
var emptyShapeData = {
shapes: [],
function SVGTextLottieElement(data, globalData, comp) {
this.textSpans = [];
this.renderType = 'svg';
this.initElement(data, globalData, comp);
extendPrototype([BaseElement, TransformElement, SVGBaseElement, HierarchyElement, FrameElement, RenderableDOMElement, ITextElement], SVGTextLottieElement);
SVGTextLottieElement.prototype.createContent = function () {
if (this.data.singleShape && !this.globalData.fontManager.chars) {
this.textContainer = createNS('text');
SVGTextLottieElement.prototype.buildTextContents = function (textArray) {
var i = 0;
var len = textArray.length;
var textContents = [];
var currentTextContent = '';
while (i < len) {
if (textArray[i] === String.fromCharCode(13) || textArray[i] === String.fromCharCode(3)) {
currentTextContent = '';
} else {
currentTextContent += textArray[i];
i += 1;
return textContents;
SVGTextLottieElement.prototype.buildShapeData = function (data, scale) {
// data should probably be cloned to apply scale separately to each instance of a text on different layers
// but since text internal content gets only rendered once and then it's never rerendered,
// it's probably safe not to clone data and reuse always the same instance even if the object is mutated.
// Avoiding cloning is preferred since cloning each character shape data is expensive
if (data.shapes && data.shapes.length) {
var shape = data.shapes[0];
if (shape.it) {
var shapeItem = shape.it[shape.it.length - 1];
if (shapeItem.s) {
shapeItem.s.k[0] = scale;
shapeItem.s.k[1] = scale;
return data;
SVGTextLottieElement.prototype.buildNewText = function () {
var i;
var len;
var documentData = this.textProperty.currentData;
this.renderedLetters = createSizedArray(documentData ? documentData.l.length : 0);
if (documentData.fc) {
this.layerElement.setAttribute('fill', this.buildColor(documentData.fc));
} else {
this.layerElement.setAttribute('fill', 'rgba(0,0,0,0)');
if (documentData.sc) {
this.layerElement.setAttribute('stroke', this.buildColor(documentData.sc));
this.layerElement.setAttribute('stroke-width', documentData.sw);
this.layerElement.setAttribute('font-size', documentData.finalSize);
var fontData = this.globalData.fontManager.getFontByName(documentData.f);
if (fontData.fClass) {
this.layerElement.setAttribute('class', fontData.fClass);
} else {
this.layerElement.setAttribute('font-family', fontData.fFamily);
var fWeight = documentData.fWeight;
var fStyle = documentData.fStyle;
this.layerElement.setAttribute('font-style', fStyle);
this.layerElement.setAttribute('font-weight', fWeight);
this.layerElement.setAttribute('aria-label', documentData.t);
var letters = documentData.l || [];
var usesGlyphs = !!this.globalData.fontManager.chars;
len = letters.length;
var tSpan;
var matrixHelper = this.mHelper;
var shapeStr = '';
var singleShape = this.data.singleShape;
var xPos = 0;
var yPos = 0;
var firstLine = true;
var trackingOffset = documentData.tr * 0.001 * documentData.finalSize;
if (singleShape && !usesGlyphs && !documentData.sz) {
var tElement = this.textContainer;
var justify = 'start';
switch (documentData.j) {
case 1:
justify = 'end';
case 2:
justify = 'middle';
justify = 'start';
tElement.setAttribute('text-anchor', justify);
tElement.setAttribute('letter-spacing', trackingOffset);
var textContent = this.buildTextContents(documentData.finalText);
len = textContent.length;
yPos = documentData.ps ? documentData.ps[1] + documentData.ascent : 0;
for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
tSpan = this.textSpans[i].span || createNS('tspan');
tSpan.textContent = textContent[i];
tSpan.setAttribute('x', 0);
tSpan.setAttribute('y', yPos);
tSpan.style.display = 'inherit';
if (!this.textSpans[i]) {
this.textSpans[i] = {
span: null,
glyph: null,
this.textSpans[i].span = tSpan;
yPos += documentData.finalLineHeight;
} else {
var cachedSpansLength = this.textSpans.length;
var charData;
for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
if (!this.textSpans[i]) {
this.textSpans[i] = {
span: null,
childSpan: null,
glyph: null,
if (!usesGlyphs || !singleShape || i === 0) {
tSpan = cachedSpansLength > i ? this.textSpans[i].span : createNS(usesGlyphs ? 'g' : 'text');
if (cachedSpansLength <= i) {
tSpan.setAttribute('stroke-linecap', 'butt');
tSpan.setAttribute('stroke-linejoin', 'round');
tSpan.setAttribute('stroke-miterlimit', '4');
this.textSpans[i].span = tSpan;
if (usesGlyphs) {
var childSpan = createNS('g');
this.textSpans[i].childSpan = childSpan;
this.textSpans[i].span = tSpan;
tSpan.style.display = 'inherit';
if (singleShape) {
if (letters[i].n) {
xPos = -trackingOffset;
yPos += documentData.yOffset;
yPos += firstLine ? 1 : 0;
firstLine = false;
this.applyTextPropertiesToMatrix(documentData, matrixHelper, letters[i].line, xPos, yPos);
xPos += letters[i].l || 0;
// xPos += letters[i].val === ' ' ? 0 : trackingOffset;
xPos += trackingOffset;
if (usesGlyphs) {
charData = this.globalData.fontManager.getCharData(
var glyphElement;
// t === 1 means the character has been replaced with an animated shaped
if (charData.t === 1) {
glyphElement = new SVGCompElement(charData.data, this.globalData, this);
} else {
var data = emptyShapeData;
if (charData.data && charData.data.shapes) {
data = this.buildShapeData(charData.data, documentData.finalSize);
glyphElement = new SVGShapeElement(data, this.globalData, this);
if (this.textSpans[i].glyph) {
var glyph = this.textSpans[i].glyph;
this.textSpans[i].glyph = glyphElement;
glyphElement._debug = true;
// when using animated shapes, the layer will be scaled instead of replacing the internal scale
// this might have issues with strokes and might need a different solution
if (charData.t === 1) {
this.textSpans[i].childSpan.setAttribute('transform', 'scale(' + documentData.finalSize / 100 + ',' + documentData.finalSize / 100 + ')');
} else {
if (singleShape) {
tSpan.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(' + matrixHelper.props[12] + ',' + matrixHelper.props[13] + ')');
tSpan.textContent = letters[i].val;
tSpan.setAttributeNS('http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace', 'xml:space', 'preserve');
if (singleShape && tSpan) {
tSpan.setAttribute('d', shapeStr);
while (i < this.textSpans.length) {
this.textSpans[i].span.style.display = 'none';
i += 1;
this._sizeChanged = true;
SVGTextLottieElement.prototype.sourceRectAtTime = function () {
this.prepareFrame(this.comp.renderedFrame - this.data.st);
if (this._sizeChanged) {
this._sizeChanged = false;
var textBox = this.layerElement.getBBox();
this.bbox = {
top: textBox.y,
left: textBox.x,
width: textBox.width,
height: textBox.height,
return this.bbox;
SVGTextLottieElement.prototype.getValue = function () {
var i;
var len = this.textSpans.length;
var glyphElement;
this.renderedFrame = this.comp.renderedFrame;
for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
glyphElement = this.textSpans[i].glyph;
if (glyphElement) {
glyphElement.prepareFrame(this.comp.renderedFrame - this.data.st);
if (glyphElement._mdf) {
this._mdf = true;
SVGTextLottieElement.prototype.renderInnerContent = function () {
if (!this.data.singleShape || this._mdf) {
this.textAnimator.getMeasures(this.textProperty.currentData, this.lettersChangedFlag);
if (this.lettersChangedFlag || this.textAnimator.lettersChangedFlag) {
this._sizeChanged = true;
var i;
var len;
var renderedLetters = this.textAnimator.renderedLetters;
var letters = this.textProperty.currentData.l;
len = letters.length;
var renderedLetter;
var textSpan;
var glyphElement;
for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
if (!letters[i].n) {
renderedLetter = renderedLetters[i];
textSpan = this.textSpans[i].span;
glyphElement = this.textSpans[i].glyph;
if (glyphElement) {
if (renderedLetter._mdf.m) {
textSpan.setAttribute('transform', renderedLetter.m);
if (renderedLetter._mdf.o) {
textSpan.setAttribute('opacity', renderedLetter.o);
if (renderedLetter._mdf.sw) {
textSpan.setAttribute('stroke-width', renderedLetter.sw);
if (renderedLetter._mdf.sc) {
textSpan.setAttribute('stroke', renderedLetter.sc);
if (renderedLetter._mdf.fc) {
textSpan.setAttribute('fill', renderedLetter.fc);
export default SVGTextLottieElement;