447 lines
13 KiB
447 lines
13 KiB
* @fileoverview Enforce component methods order
* @author Yannick Croissant
'use strict';
const has = require('object.hasown/polyfill')();
const entries = require('object.entries');
const values = require('object.values');
const arrayIncludes = require('array-includes');
const Components = require('../util/Components');
const astUtil = require('../util/ast');
const docsUrl = require('../util/docsUrl');
const report = require('../util/report');
const defaultConfig = {
order: [
groups: {
lifecycle: [
* Get the methods order from the default config and the user config
* @param {Object} userConfig The user configuration.
* @returns {Array} Methods order
function getMethodsOrder(userConfig) {
userConfig = userConfig || {};
const groups = Object.assign({}, defaultConfig.groups, userConfig.groups);
const order = userConfig.order || defaultConfig.order;
let config = [];
let entry;
for (let i = 0, j = order.length; i < j; i++) {
entry = order[i];
if (has(groups, entry)) {
config = config.concat(groups[entry]);
} else {
return config;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Rule Definition
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const messages = {
unsortedProps: '{{propA}} should be placed {{position}} {{propB}}',
module.exports = {
meta: {
docs: {
description: 'Enforce component methods order',
category: 'Stylistic Issues',
recommended: false,
url: docsUrl('sort-comp'),
schema: [{
type: 'object',
properties: {
order: {
type: 'array',
items: {
type: 'string',
groups: {
type: 'object',
patternProperties: {
'^.*$': {
type: 'array',
items: {
type: 'string',
additionalProperties: false,
create: Components.detect((context, components) => {
const errors = {};
const methodsOrder = getMethodsOrder(context.options[0]);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
const regExpRegExp = /\/(.*)\/([gimsuy]*)/;
* Get indexes of the matching patterns in methods order configuration
* @param {Object} method - Method metadata.
* @returns {Array} The matching patterns indexes. Return [Infinity] if there is no match.
function getRefPropIndexes(method) {
const methodGroupIndexes = [];
methodsOrder.forEach((currentGroup, groupIndex) => {
if (currentGroup === 'getters') {
if (method.getter) {
} else if (currentGroup === 'setters') {
if (method.setter) {
} else if (currentGroup === 'type-annotations') {
if (method.typeAnnotation) {
} else if (currentGroup === 'static-variables') {
if (method.staticVariable) {
} else if (currentGroup === 'static-methods') {
if (method.staticMethod) {
} else if (currentGroup === 'instance-variables') {
if (method.instanceVariable) {
} else if (currentGroup === 'instance-methods') {
if (method.instanceMethod) {
} else if (arrayIncludes([
], currentGroup)) {
if (currentGroup === method.name) {
} else {
// Is the group a regex?
const isRegExp = currentGroup.match(regExpRegExp);
if (isRegExp) {
const isMatching = new RegExp(isRegExp[1], isRegExp[2]).test(method.name);
if (isMatching) {
} else if (currentGroup === method.name) {
// No matching pattern, return 'everything-else' index
if (methodGroupIndexes.length === 0) {
const everythingElseIndex = methodsOrder.indexOf('everything-else');
if (everythingElseIndex !== -1) {
} else {
// No matching pattern and no 'everything-else' group
return methodGroupIndexes;
* Get properties name
* @param {Object} node - Property.
* @returns {String} Property name.
function getPropertyName(node) {
if (node.kind === 'get') {
return 'getter functions';
if (node.kind === 'set') {
return 'setter functions';
return astUtil.getPropertyName(node);
* Store a new error in the error list
* @param {Object} propA - Mispositioned property.
* @param {Object} propB - Reference property.
function storeError(propA, propB) {
// Initialize the error object if needed
if (!errors[propA.index]) {
errors[propA.index] = {
node: propA.node,
score: 0,
closest: {
distance: Infinity,
ref: {
node: null,
index: 0,
// Increment the prop score
errors[propA.index].score += 1;
// Stop here if we already have pushed another node at this position
if (getPropertyName(errors[propA.index].node) !== getPropertyName(propA.node)) {
// Stop here if we already have a closer reference
if (Math.abs(propA.index - propB.index) > errors[propA.index].closest.distance) {
// Update the closest reference
errors[propA.index].closest.distance = Math.abs(propA.index - propB.index);
errors[propA.index].closest.ref.node = propB.node;
errors[propA.index].closest.ref.index = propB.index;
* Dedupe errors, only keep the ones with the highest score and delete the others
function dedupeErrors() {
for (const i in errors) {
if (has(errors, i)) {
const index = errors[i].closest.ref.index;
if (errors[index]) {
if (errors[i].score > errors[index].score) {
delete errors[index];
} else {
delete errors[i];
* Report errors
function reportErrors() {
entries(errors).forEach((entry) => {
const nodeA = entry[1].node;
const nodeB = entry[1].closest.ref.node;
const indexA = entry[0];
const indexB = entry[1].closest.ref.index;
report(context, messages.unsortedProps, 'unsortedProps', {
node: nodeA,
data: {
propA: getPropertyName(nodeA),
propB: getPropertyName(nodeB),
position: indexA < indexB ? 'before' : 'after',
* Compare two properties and find out if they are in the right order
* @param {Array} propertiesInfos Array containing all the properties metadata.
* @param {Object} propA First property name and metadata
* @param {Object} propB Second property name.
* @returns {Object} Object containing a correct true/false flag and the correct indexes for the two properties.
function comparePropsOrder(propertiesInfos, propA, propB) {
let i;
let j;
let k;
let l;
let refIndexA;
let refIndexB;
// Get references indexes (the correct position) for given properties
const refIndexesA = getRefPropIndexes(propA);
const refIndexesB = getRefPropIndexes(propB);
// Get current indexes for given properties
const classIndexA = propertiesInfos.indexOf(propA);
const classIndexB = propertiesInfos.indexOf(propB);
// Loop around the references indexes for the 1st property
for (i = 0, j = refIndexesA.length; i < j; i++) {
refIndexA = refIndexesA[i];
// Loop around the properties for the 2nd property (for comparison)
for (k = 0, l = refIndexesB.length; k < l; k++) {
refIndexB = refIndexesB[k];
if (
// Comparing the same properties
refIndexA === refIndexB
// 1st property is placed before the 2nd one in reference and in current component
|| ((refIndexA < refIndexB) && (classIndexA < classIndexB))
// 1st property is placed after the 2nd one in reference and in current component
|| ((refIndexA > refIndexB) && (classIndexA > classIndexB))
) {
return {
correct: true,
indexA: classIndexA,
indexB: classIndexB,
// We did not find any correct match between reference and current component
return {
correct: false,
indexA: refIndexA,
indexB: refIndexB,
* Check properties order from a properties list and store the eventual errors
* @param {Array} properties Array containing all the properties.
function checkPropsOrder(properties) {
const propertiesInfos = properties.map((node) => ({
name: getPropertyName(node),
getter: node.kind === 'get',
setter: node.kind === 'set',
staticVariable: node.static
&& (node.type === 'ClassProperty' || node.type === 'PropertyDefinition')
&& (!node.value || !astUtil.isFunctionLikeExpression(node.value)),
staticMethod: node.static
&& (node.type === 'ClassProperty' || node.type === 'PropertyDefinition' || node.type === 'MethodDefinition')
&& node.value
&& (astUtil.isFunctionLikeExpression(node.value)),
instanceVariable: !node.static
&& (node.type === 'ClassProperty' || node.type === 'PropertyDefinition')
&& (!node.value || !astUtil.isFunctionLikeExpression(node.value)),
instanceMethod: !node.static
&& (node.type === 'ClassProperty' || node.type === 'PropertyDefinition')
&& node.value
&& (astUtil.isFunctionLikeExpression(node.value)),
typeAnnotation: !!node.typeAnnotation && node.value === null,
// Loop around the properties
propertiesInfos.forEach((propA, i) => {
// Loop around the properties a second time (for comparison)
propertiesInfos.forEach((propB, k) => {
if (i === k) {
// Compare the properties order
const order = comparePropsOrder(propertiesInfos, propA, propB);
if (!order.correct) {
// Store an error if the order is incorrect
node: properties[i],
index: order.indexA,
}, {
node: properties[k],
index: order.indexB,
return {
'Program:exit'() {
values(components.list()).forEach((component) => {
const properties = astUtil.getComponentProperties(component.node);