492 lines
15 KiB
492 lines
15 KiB
* @fileoverview Prevent creating unstable components inside components
* @author Ari Perkkiö
'use strict';
const Components = require('../util/Components');
const docsUrl = require('../util/docsUrl');
const isCreateElement = require('../util/isCreateElement');
const report = require('../util/report');
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constants
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const COMPONENT_AS_PROPS_INFO = ' If you want to allow component creation in props, set allowAsProps option to true.';
const HOOK_REGEXP = /^use[A-Z0-9].*$/;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helpers
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Generate error message with given parent component name
* @param {String} parentName Name of the parent component, if known
* @returns {String} Error message with parent component name
function generateErrorMessageWithParentName(parentName) {
return `Do not define components during render. React will see a new component type on every render and destroy the entire subtree’s DOM nodes and state (https://reactjs.org/docs/reconciliation.html#elements-of-different-types). Instead, move this component definition out of the parent component${parentName ? ` “${parentName}” ` : ' '}and pass data as props.`;
* Check whether given text starts with `render`. Comparison is case-sensitive.
* @param {String} text Text to validate
* @returns {Boolean}
function startsWithRender(text) {
return (text || '').startsWith('render');
* Get closest parent matching given matcher
* @param {ASTNode} node The AST node
* @param {Context} context eslint context
* @param {Function} matcher Method used to match the parent
* @returns {ASTNode} The matching parent node, if any
function getClosestMatchingParent(node, context, matcher) {
if (!node || !node.parent || node.parent.type === 'Program') {
if (matcher(node.parent, context)) {
return node.parent;
return getClosestMatchingParent(node.parent, context, matcher);
* Matcher used to check whether given node is a `createElement` call
* @param {ASTNode} node The AST node
* @param {Context} context eslint context
* @returns {Boolean} True if node is a `createElement` call, false if not
function isCreateElementMatcher(node, context) {
return (
&& node.type === 'CallExpression'
&& isCreateElement(node, context)
* Matcher used to check whether given node is a `ObjectExpression`
* @param {ASTNode} node The AST node
* @returns {Boolean} True if node is a `ObjectExpression`, false if not
function isObjectExpressionMatcher(node) {
return node && node.type === 'ObjectExpression';
* Matcher used to check whether given node is a `JSXExpressionContainer`
* @param {ASTNode} node The AST node
* @returns {Boolean} True if node is a `JSXExpressionContainer`, false if not
function isJSXExpressionContainerMatcher(node) {
return node && node.type === 'JSXExpressionContainer';
* Matcher used to check whether given node is a `JSXAttribute` of `JSXExpressionContainer`
* @param {ASTNode} node The AST node
* @returns {Boolean} True if node is a `JSXAttribute` of `JSXExpressionContainer`, false if not
function isJSXAttributeOfExpressionContainerMatcher(node) {
return (
&& node.type === 'JSXAttribute'
&& node.value
&& node.value.type === 'JSXExpressionContainer'
* Matcher used to check whether given node is an object `Property`
* @param {ASTNode} node The AST node
* @returns {Boolean} True if node is a `Property`, false if not
function isPropertyOfObjectExpressionMatcher(node) {
return (
&& node.parent
&& node.parent.type === 'Property'
* Matcher used to check whether given node is a `CallExpression`
* @param {ASTNode} node The AST node
* @returns {Boolean} True if node is a `CallExpression`, false if not
function isCallExpressionMatcher(node) {
return node && node.type === 'CallExpression';
* Check whether given node or its parent is directly inside `map` call
* ```jsx
* {items.map(item => <li />)}
* ```
* @param {ASTNode} node The AST node
* @returns {Boolean} True if node is directly inside `map` call, false if not
function isMapCall(node) {
return (
&& node.callee
&& node.callee.property
&& node.callee.property.name === 'map'
* Check whether given node is `ReturnStatement` of a React hook
* @param {ASTNode} node The AST node
* @param {Context} context eslint context
* @returns {Boolean} True if node is a `ReturnStatement` of a React hook, false if not
function isReturnStatementOfHook(node, context) {
if (
|| !node.parent
|| node.parent.type !== 'ReturnStatement'
) {
return false;
const callExpression = getClosestMatchingParent(node, context, isCallExpressionMatcher);
return (
&& callExpression.callee
&& HOOK_REGEXP.test(callExpression.callee.name)
* Check whether given node is declared inside a render prop
* ```jsx
* <Component renderFooter={() => <div />} />
* <Component>{() => <div />}</Component>
* ```
* @param {ASTNode} node The AST node
* @param {Context} context eslint context
* @returns {Boolean} True if component is declared inside a render prop, false if not
function isComponentInRenderProp(node, context) {
if (
&& node.parent
&& node.parent.type === 'Property'
&& node.parent.key
&& startsWithRender(node.parent.key.name)
) {
return true;
// Check whether component is a render prop used as direct children, e.g. <Component>{() => <div />}</Component>
if (
&& node.parent
&& node.parent.type === 'JSXExpressionContainer'
&& node.parent.parent
&& node.parent.parent.type === 'JSXElement'
) {
return true;
const jsxExpressionContainer = getClosestMatchingParent(node, context, isJSXExpressionContainerMatcher);
// Check whether prop name indicates accepted patterns
if (
&& jsxExpressionContainer.parent
&& jsxExpressionContainer.parent.type === 'JSXAttribute'
&& jsxExpressionContainer.parent.name
&& jsxExpressionContainer.parent.name.type === 'JSXIdentifier'
) {
const propName = jsxExpressionContainer.parent.name.name;
// Starts with render, e.g. <Component renderFooter={() => <div />} />
if (startsWithRender(propName)) {
return true;
// Uses children prop explicitly, e.g. <Component children={() => <div />} />
if (propName === 'children') {
return true;
return false;
* Check whether given node is declared directly inside a render property
* ```jsx
* const rows = { render: () => <div /> }
* <Component rows={ [{ render: () => <div /> }] } />
* ```
* @param {ASTNode} node The AST node
* @returns {Boolean} True if component is declared inside a render property, false if not
function isDirectValueOfRenderProperty(node) {
return (
&& node.parent
&& node.parent.type === 'Property'
&& node.parent.key
&& node.parent.key.type === 'Identifier'
&& startsWithRender(node.parent.key.name)
* Resolve the component name of given node
* @param {ASTNode} node The AST node of the component
* @returns {String} Name of the component, if any
function resolveComponentName(node) {
const parentName = node.id && node.id.name;
if (parentName) return parentName;
return (
node.type === 'ArrowFunctionExpression'
&& node.parent
&& node.parent.id
&& node.parent.id.name
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Rule Definition
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
module.exports = {
meta: {
docs: {
description: 'Disallow creating unstable components inside components',
category: 'Possible Errors',
recommended: false,
url: docsUrl('no-unstable-nested-components'),
schema: [{
type: 'object',
properties: {
customValidators: {
type: 'array',
items: {
type: 'string',
allowAsProps: {
type: 'boolean',
additionalProperties: false,
create: Components.detect((context, components, utils) => {
const allowAsProps = context.options.some((option) => option && option.allowAsProps);
* Check whether given node is declared inside class component's render block
* ```jsx
* class Component extends React.Component {
* render() {
* class NestedClassComponent extends React.Component {
* ...
* ```
* @param {ASTNode} node The AST node being checked
* @returns {Boolean} True if node is inside class component's render block, false if not
function isInsideRenderMethod(node) {
const parentComponent = utils.getParentComponent();
if (!parentComponent || parentComponent.type !== 'ClassDeclaration') {
return false;
return (
&& node.parent
&& node.parent.type === 'MethodDefinition'
&& node.parent.key
&& node.parent.key.name === 'render'
* Check whether given node is a function component declared inside class component.
* Util's component detection fails to detect function components inside class components.
* ```jsx
* class Component extends React.Component {
* render() {
* const NestedComponent = () => <div />;
* ...
* ```
* @param {ASTNode} node The AST node being checked
* @returns {Boolean} True if given node a function component declared inside class component, false if not
function isFunctionComponentInsideClassComponent(node) {
const parentComponent = utils.getParentComponent();
const parentStatelessComponent = utils.getParentStatelessComponent();
return (
&& parentStatelessComponent
&& parentComponent.type === 'ClassDeclaration'
&& utils.getStatelessComponent(parentStatelessComponent)
&& utils.isReturningJSX(node)
* Check whether given node is declared inside `createElement` call's props
* ```js
* React.createElement(Component, {
* footer: () => React.createElement("div", null)
* })
* ```
* @param {ASTNode} node The AST node
* @returns {Boolean} True if node is declare inside `createElement` call's props, false if not
function isComponentInsideCreateElementsProp(node) {
if (!components.get(node)) {
return false;
const createElementParent = getClosestMatchingParent(node, context, isCreateElementMatcher);
return (
&& createElementParent.arguments
&& createElementParent.arguments[1] === getClosestMatchingParent(node, context, isObjectExpressionMatcher)
* Check whether given node is declared inside a component/object prop.
* ```jsx
* <Component footer={() => <div />} />
* { footer: () => <div /> }
* ```
* @param {ASTNode} node The AST node being checked
* @returns {Boolean} True if node is a component declared inside prop, false if not
function isComponentInProp(node) {
if (isPropertyOfObjectExpressionMatcher(node)) {
return utils.isReturningJSX(node);
const jsxAttribute = getClosestMatchingParent(node, context, isJSXAttributeOfExpressionContainerMatcher);
if (!jsxAttribute) {
return isComponentInsideCreateElementsProp(node);
return utils.isReturningJSX(node);
* Check whether given node is a stateless component returning non-JSX
* ```jsx
* {{ a: () => null }}
* ```
* @param {ASTNode} node The AST node being checked
* @returns {Boolean} True if node is a stateless component returning non-JSX, false if not
function isStatelessComponentReturningNull(node) {
const component = utils.getStatelessComponent(node);
return component && !utils.isReturningJSX(component);
* Check whether given node is a unstable nested component
* @param {ASTNode} node The AST node being checked
function validate(node) {
if (!node || !node.parent) {
const isDeclaredInsideProps = isComponentInProp(node);
if (
&& !isFunctionComponentInsideClassComponent(node)
&& !isDeclaredInsideProps) {
if (
// Support allowAsProps option
(isDeclaredInsideProps && (allowAsProps || isComponentInRenderProp(node, context)))
// Prevent reporting components created inside Array.map calls
|| isMapCall(node)
|| isMapCall(node.parent)
// Do not mark components declared inside hooks (or falsy '() => null' clean-up methods)
|| isReturnStatementOfHook(node, context)
// Do not mark objects containing render methods
|| isDirectValueOfRenderProperty(node)
// Prevent reporting nested class components twice
|| isInsideRenderMethod(node)
// Prevent falsely reporting detected "components" which do not return JSX
|| isStatelessComponentReturningNull(node)
) {
// Get the closest parent component
const parentComponent = getClosestMatchingParent(
(nodeToMatch) => components.get(nodeToMatch)
if (parentComponent) {
const parentName = resolveComponentName(parentComponent);
// Exclude lowercase parents, e.g. function createTestComponent()
// React-dom prevents creating lowercase components
if (parentName && parentName[0] === parentName[0].toLowerCase()) {
let message = generateErrorMessageWithParentName(parentName);
// Add information about allowAsProps option when component is declared inside prop
if (isDeclaredInsideProps && !allowAsProps) {
report(context, message, null, {
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
return {
FunctionDeclaration(node) { validate(node); },
ArrowFunctionExpression(node) { validate(node); },
FunctionExpression(node) { validate(node); },
ClassDeclaration(node) { validate(node); },
CallExpression(node) { validate(node); },