2024-10-28 15:03:36 +05:30

144 lines
4.4 KiB

// @flow
import * as React from 'react'
import { withEmotionCache } from './context'
import { ThemeContext } from './theming'
import { insertStyles } from '@emotion/utils'
import { isBrowser } from './utils'
import { useInsertionEffectWithLayoutFallback } from '@emotion/use-insertion-effect-with-fallbacks'
import { serializeStyles } from '@emotion/serialize'
type Styles = Object | Array<Object>
type GlobalProps = {
+styles: Styles | (Object => Styles)
let warnedAboutCssPropForGlobal = false
// maintain place over rerenders.
// initial render from browser, insertBefore context.sheet.tags[0] or if a style hasn't been inserted there yet, appendChild
// initial client-side render from SSR, use place of hydrating tag
export let Global: React.AbstractComponent<GlobalProps> =
/* #__PURE__ */ withEmotionCache((props: GlobalProps, cache) => {
if (
process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' &&
!warnedAboutCssPropForGlobal && // check for className as well since the user is
// probably using the custom createElement which
// means it will be turned into a className prop
// $FlowFixMe I don't really want to add it to the type since it shouldn't be used
(props.className || props.css)
) {
"It looks like you're using the css prop on Global, did you mean to use the styles prop instead?"
warnedAboutCssPropForGlobal = true
let styles = props.styles
let serialized = serializeStyles(
if (!isBrowser) {
let serializedNames = serialized.name
let serializedStyles = serialized.styles
let next = serialized.next
while (next !== undefined) {
serializedNames += ' ' + next.name
serializedStyles += next.styles
next = next.next
let shouldCache = cache.compat === true
let rules = cache.insert(
{ name: serializedNames, styles: serializedStyles },
if (shouldCache) {
return null
return (
[`data-emotion`]: `${cache.key}-global ${serializedNames}`,
dangerouslySetInnerHTML: { __html: rules },
nonce: cache.sheet.nonce
// yes, i know these hooks are used conditionally
// but it is based on a constant that will never change at runtime
// it's effectively like having two implementations and switching them out
// so it's not actually breaking anything
let sheetRef = React.useRef()
useInsertionEffectWithLayoutFallback(() => {
const key = `${cache.key}-global`
// use case of https://github.com/emotion-js/emotion/issues/2675
let sheet = new cache.sheet.constructor({
nonce: cache.sheet.nonce,
container: cache.sheet.container,
speedy: cache.sheet.isSpeedy
let rehydrating = false
// $FlowFixMe
let node: HTMLStyleElement | null = document.querySelector(
`style[data-emotion="${key} ${serialized.name}"]`
if (cache.sheet.tags.length) {
sheet.before = cache.sheet.tags[0]
if (node !== null) {
rehydrating = true
// clear the hash so this node won't be recognizable as rehydratable by other <Global/>s
node.setAttribute('data-emotion', key)
sheetRef.current = [sheet, rehydrating]
return () => {
}, [cache])
useInsertionEffectWithLayoutFallback(() => {
let sheetRefCurrent = (sheetRef.current: any)
let [sheet, rehydrating] = sheetRefCurrent
if (rehydrating) {
sheetRefCurrent[1] = false
if (serialized.next !== undefined) {
// insert keyframes
insertStyles(cache, serialized.next, true)
if (sheet.tags.length) {
// if this doesn't exist then it will be null so the style element will be appended
let element = sheet.tags[sheet.tags.length - 1].nextElementSibling
sheet.before = ((element: any): Element | null)
cache.insert(``, serialized, sheet, false)
}, [cache, serialized.name])
return null
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
Global.displayName = 'EmotionGlobal'