8 lines
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8 lines
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"version": 3,
"sources": ["../../react-router-dom/dom.ts", "../../react-router-dom/index.tsx"],
"sourcesContent": ["import type {\n FormEncType,\n HTMLFormMethod,\n RelativeRoutingType,\n} from \"@remix-run/router\";\nimport { stripBasename, UNSAFE_warning as warning } from \"@remix-run/router\";\n\nexport const defaultMethod: HTMLFormMethod = \"get\";\nconst defaultEncType: FormEncType = \"application/x-www-form-urlencoded\";\n\nexport function isHtmlElement(object: any): object is HTMLElement {\n return object != null && typeof object.tagName === \"string\";\n}\n\nexport function isButtonElement(object: any): object is HTMLButtonElement {\n return isHtmlElement(object) && object.tagName.toLowerCase() === \"button\";\n}\n\nexport function isFormElement(object: any): object is HTMLFormElement {\n return isHtmlElement(object) && object.tagName.toLowerCase() === \"form\";\n}\n\nexport function isInputElement(object: any): object is HTMLInputElement {\n return isHtmlElement(object) && object.tagName.toLowerCase() === \"input\";\n}\n\ntype LimitedMouseEvent = Pick<\n MouseEvent,\n \"button\" | \"metaKey\" | \"altKey\" | \"ctrlKey\" | \"shiftKey\"\n>;\n\nfunction isModifiedEvent(event: LimitedMouseEvent) {\n return !!(event.metaKey || event.altKey || event.ctrlKey || event.shiftKey);\n}\n\nexport function shouldProcessLinkClick(\n event: LimitedMouseEvent,\n target?: string\n) {\n return (\n event.button === 0 && // Ignore everything but left clicks\n (!target || target === \"_self\") && // Let browser handle \"target=_blank\" etc.\n !isModifiedEvent(event) // Ignore clicks with modifier keys\n );\n}\n\nexport type ParamKeyValuePair = [string, string];\n\nexport type URLSearchParamsInit =\n | string\n | ParamKeyValuePair[]\n | Record<string, string | string[]>\n | URLSearchParams;\n\n/**\n * Creates a URLSearchParams object using the given initializer.\n *\n * This is identical to `new URLSearchParams(init)` except it also\n * supports arrays as values in the object form of the initializer\n * instead of just strings. This is convenient when you need multiple\n * values for a given key, but don't want to use an array initializer.\n *\n * For example, instead of:\n *\n * let searchParams = new URLSearchParams([\n * ['sort', 'name'],\n * ['sort', 'price']\n * ]);\n *\n * you can do:\n *\n * let searchParams = createSearchParams({\n * sort: ['name', 'price']\n * });\n */\nexport function createSearchParams(\n init: URLSearchParamsInit = \"\"\n): URLSearchParams {\n return new URLSearchParams(\n typeof init === \"string\" ||\n Array.isArray(init) ||\n init instanceof URLSearchParams\n ? init\n : Object.keys(init).reduce((memo, key) => {\n let value = init[key];\n return memo.concat(\n Array.isArray(value) ? value.map((v) => [key, v]) : [[key, value]]\n );\n }, [] as ParamKeyValuePair[])\n );\n}\n\nexport function getSearchParamsForLocation(\n locationSearch: string,\n defaultSearchParams: URLSearchParams | null\n) {\n let searchParams = createSearchParams(locationSearch);\n\n if (defaultSearchParams) {\n // Use `defaultSearchParams.forEach(...)` here instead of iterating of\n // `defaultSearchParams.keys()` to work-around a bug in Firefox related to\n // web extensions. Relevant Bugzilla tickets:\n // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1414602\n // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1023984\n defaultSearchParams.forEach((_, key) => {\n if (!searchParams.has(key)) {\n defaultSearchParams.getAll(key).forEach((value) => {\n searchParams.append(key, value);\n });\n }\n });\n }\n\n return searchParams;\n}\n\n// Thanks https://github.com/sindresorhus/type-fest!\ntype JsonObject = { [Key in string]: JsonValue } & {\n [Key in string]?: JsonValue | undefined;\n};\ntype JsonArray = JsonValue[] | readonly JsonValue[];\ntype JsonPrimitive = string | number | boolean | null;\ntype JsonValue = JsonPrimitive | JsonObject | JsonArray;\n\nexport type SubmitTarget =\n | HTMLFormElement\n | HTMLButtonElement\n | HTMLInputElement\n | FormData\n | URLSearchParams\n | JsonValue\n | null;\n\n// One-time check for submitter support\nlet _formDataSupportsSubmitter: boolean | null = null;\n\nfunction isFormDataSubmitterSupported() {\n if (_formDataSupportsSubmitter === null) {\n try {\n new FormData(\n document.createElement(\"form\"),\n // @ts-expect-error if FormData supports the submitter parameter, this will throw\n 0\n );\n _formDataSupportsSubmitter = false;\n } catch (e) {\n _formDataSupportsSubmitter = true;\n }\n }\n return _formDataSupportsSubmitter;\n}\n\nexport interface SubmitOptions {\n /**\n * The HTTP method used to submit the form. Overrides `<form method>`.\n * Defaults to \"GET\".\n */\n method?: HTMLFormMethod;\n\n /**\n * The action URL path used to submit the form. Overrides `<form action>`.\n * Defaults to the path of the current route.\n */\n action?: string;\n\n /**\n * The encoding used to submit the form. Overrides `<form encType>`.\n * Defaults to \"application/x-www-form-urlencoded\".\n */\n encType?: FormEncType;\n\n /**\n * Indicate a specific fetcherKey to use when using navigate=false\n */\n fetcherKey?: string;\n\n /**\n * navigate=false will use a fetcher instead of a navigation\n */\n navigate?: boolean;\n\n /**\n * Set `true` to replace the current entry in the browser's history stack\n * instead of creating a new one (i.e. stay on \"the same page\"). Defaults\n * to `false`.\n */\n replace?: boolean;\n\n /**\n * State object to add to the history stack entry for this navigation\n */\n state?: any;\n\n /**\n * Determines whether the form action is relative to the route hierarchy or\n * the pathname. Use this if you want to opt out of navigating the route\n * hierarchy and want to instead route based on /-delimited URL segments\n */\n relative?: RelativeRoutingType;\n\n /**\n * In browser-based environments, prevent resetting scroll after this\n * navigation when using the <ScrollRestoration> component\n */\n preventScrollReset?: boolean;\n\n /**\n * Enable flushSync for this navigation's state updates\n */\n unstable_flushSync?: boolean;\n\n /**\n * Enable view transitions on this submission navigation\n */\n unstable_viewTransition?: boolean;\n}\n\nconst supportedFormEncTypes: Set<FormEncType> = new Set([\n \"application/x-www-form-urlencoded\",\n \"multipart/form-data\",\n \"text/plain\",\n]);\n\nfunction getFormEncType(encType: string | null) {\n if (encType != null && !supportedFormEncTypes.has(encType as FormEncType)) {\n warning(\n false,\n `\"${encType}\" is not a valid \\`encType\\` for \\`<Form>\\`/\\`<fetcher.Form>\\` ` +\n `and will default to \"${defaultEncType}\"`\n );\n\n return null;\n }\n return encType;\n}\n\nexport function getFormSubmissionInfo(\n target: SubmitTarget,\n basename: string\n): {\n action: string | null;\n method: string;\n encType: string;\n formData: FormData | undefined;\n body: any;\n} {\n let method: string;\n let action: string | null;\n let encType: string;\n let formData: FormData | undefined;\n let body: any;\n\n if (isFormElement(target)) {\n // When grabbing the action from the element, it will have had the basename\n // prefixed to ensure non-JS scenarios work, so strip it since we'll\n // re-prefix in the router\n let attr = target.getAttribute(\"action\");\n action = attr ? stripBasename(attr, basename) : null;\n method = target.getAttribute(\"method\") || defaultMethod;\n encType = getFormEncType(target.getAttribute(\"enctype\")) || defaultEncType;\n\n formData = new FormData(target);\n } else if (\n isButtonElement(target) ||\n (isInputElement(target) &&\n (target.type === \"submit\" || target.type === \"image\"))\n ) {\n let form = target.form;\n\n if (form == null) {\n throw new Error(\n `Cannot submit a <button> or <input type=\"submit\"> without a <form>`\n );\n }\n\n // <button>/<input type=\"submit\"> may override attributes of <form>\n\n // When grabbing the action from the element, it will have had the basename\n // prefixed to ensure non-JS scenarios work, so strip it since we'll\n // re-prefix in the router\n let attr = target.getAttribute(\"formaction\") || form.getAttribute(\"action\");\n action = attr ? stripBasename(attr, basename) : null;\n\n method =\n target.getAttribute(\"formmethod\") ||\n form.getAttribute(\"method\") ||\n defaultMethod;\n encType =\n getFormEncType(target.getAttribute(\"formenctype\")) ||\n getFormEncType(form.getAttribute(\"enctype\")) ||\n defaultEncType;\n\n // Build a FormData object populated from a form and submitter\n formData = new FormData(form, target);\n\n // If this browser doesn't support the `FormData(el, submitter)` format,\n // then tack on the submitter value at the end. This is a lightweight\n // solution that is not 100% spec compliant. For complete support in older\n // browsers, consider using the `formdata-submitter-polyfill` package\n if (!isFormDataSubmitterSupported()) {\n let { name, type, value } = target;\n if (type === \"image\") {\n let prefix = name ? `${name}.` : \"\";\n formData.append(`${prefix}x`, \"0\");\n formData.append(`${prefix}y`, \"0\");\n } else if (name) {\n formData.append(name, value);\n }\n }\n } else if (isHtmlElement(target)) {\n throw new Error(\n `Cannot submit element that is not <form>, <button>, or ` +\n `<input type=\"submit|image\">`\n );\n } else {\n method = defaultMethod;\n action = null;\n encType = defaultEncType;\n body = target;\n }\n\n // Send body for <Form encType=\"text/plain\" so we encode it into text\n if (formData && encType === \"text/plain\") {\n body = formData;\n formData = undefined;\n }\n\n return { action, method: method.toLowerCase(), encType, formData, body };\n}\n", "/**\n * NOTE: If you refactor this to split up the modules into separate files,\n * you'll need to update the rollup config for react-router-dom-v5-compat.\n */\nimport * as React from \"react\";\nimport * as ReactDOM from \"react-dom\";\nimport type {\n DataRouteObject,\n FutureConfig,\n Location,\n NavigateOptions,\n NavigationType,\n Navigator,\n RelativeRoutingType,\n RouteObject,\n RouterProviderProps,\n To,\n} from \"react-router\";\nimport {\n Router,\n createPath,\n useHref,\n useLocation,\n useMatches,\n useNavigate,\n useNavigation,\n useResolvedPath,\n useBlocker,\n UNSAFE_DataRouterContext as DataRouterContext,\n UNSAFE_DataRouterStateContext as DataRouterStateContext,\n UNSAFE_NavigationContext as NavigationContext,\n UNSAFE_RouteContext as RouteContext,\n UNSAFE_mapRouteProperties as mapRouteProperties,\n UNSAFE_useRouteId as useRouteId,\n UNSAFE_useRoutesImpl as useRoutesImpl,\n} from \"react-router\";\nimport type {\n BrowserHistory,\n Fetcher,\n FormEncType,\n FormMethod,\n FutureConfig as RouterFutureConfig,\n GetScrollRestorationKeyFunction,\n HashHistory,\n History,\n HTMLFormMethod,\n HydrationState,\n Router as RemixRouter,\n V7_FormMethod,\n RouterState,\n RouterSubscriber,\n BlockerFunction,\n} from \"@remix-run/router\";\nimport {\n createRouter,\n createBrowserHistory,\n createHashHistory,\n joinPaths,\n stripBasename,\n UNSAFE_ErrorResponseImpl as ErrorResponseImpl,\n UNSAFE_invariant as invariant,\n UNSAFE_warning as warning,\n matchPath,\n IDLE_FETCHER,\n} from \"@remix-run/router\";\n\nimport type {\n SubmitOptions,\n ParamKeyValuePair,\n URLSearchParamsInit,\n SubmitTarget,\n} from \"./dom\";\nimport {\n createSearchParams,\n defaultMethod,\n getFormSubmissionInfo,\n getSearchParamsForLocation,\n shouldProcessLinkClick,\n} from \"./dom\";\n\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n//#region Re-exports\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\nexport type {\n FormEncType,\n FormMethod,\n GetScrollRestorationKeyFunction,\n ParamKeyValuePair,\n SubmitOptions,\n URLSearchParamsInit,\n V7_FormMethod,\n};\nexport { createSearchParams };\n\n// Note: Keep in sync with react-router exports!\nexport type {\n ActionFunction,\n ActionFunctionArgs,\n AwaitProps,\n Blocker,\n BlockerFunction,\n DataRouteMatch,\n DataRouteObject,\n ErrorResponse,\n Fetcher,\n FutureConfig,\n Hash,\n IndexRouteObject,\n IndexRouteProps,\n JsonFunction,\n LazyRouteFunction,\n LayoutRouteProps,\n LoaderFunction,\n LoaderFunctionArgs,\n Location,\n MemoryRouterProps,\n NavigateFunction,\n NavigateOptions,\n NavigateProps,\n Navigation,\n Navigator,\n NonIndexRouteObject,\n OutletProps,\n Params,\n ParamParseKey,\n Path,\n PathMatch,\n Pathname,\n PathParam,\n PathPattern,\n PathRouteProps,\n RedirectFunction,\n RelativeRoutingType,\n RouteMatch,\n RouteObject,\n RouteProps,\n RouterProps,\n RouterProviderProps,\n RoutesProps,\n Search,\n ShouldRevalidateFunction,\n ShouldRevalidateFunctionArgs,\n To,\n UIMatch,\n} from \"react-router\";\nexport {\n AbortedDeferredError,\n Await,\n MemoryRouter,\n Navigate,\n NavigationType,\n Outlet,\n Route,\n Router,\n Routes,\n createMemoryRouter,\n createPath,\n createRoutesFromChildren,\n createRoutesFromElements,\n defer,\n isRouteErrorResponse,\n generatePath,\n json,\n matchPath,\n matchRoutes,\n parsePath,\n redirect,\n redirectDocument,\n renderMatches,\n resolvePath,\n useActionData,\n useAsyncError,\n useAsyncValue,\n useBlocker,\n useHref,\n useInRouterContext,\n useLoaderData,\n useLocation,\n useMatch,\n useMatches,\n useNavigate,\n useNavigation,\n useNavigationType,\n useOutlet,\n useOutletContext,\n useParams,\n useResolvedPath,\n useRevalidator,\n useRouteError,\n useRouteLoaderData,\n useRoutes,\n} from \"react-router\";\n\n///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n// DANGER! PLEASE READ ME!\n// We provide these exports as an escape hatch in the event that you need any\n// routing data that we don't provide an explicit API for. With that said, we\n// want to cover your use case if we can, so if you feel the need to use these\n// we want to hear from you. Let us know what you're building and we'll do our\n// best to make sure we can support you!\n//\n// We consider these exports an implementation detail and do not guarantee\n// against any breaking changes, regardless of the semver release. Use with\n// extreme caution and only if you understand the consequences. Godspeed.\n///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\n/** @internal */\nexport {\n UNSAFE_DataRouterContext,\n UNSAFE_DataRouterStateContext,\n UNSAFE_NavigationContext,\n UNSAFE_LocationContext,\n UNSAFE_RouteContext,\n UNSAFE_useRouteId,\n} from \"react-router\";\n//#endregion\n\ndeclare global {\n var __staticRouterHydrationData: HydrationState | undefined;\n var __reactRouterVersion: string;\n interface Document {\n startViewTransition(cb: () => Promise<void> | void): ViewTransition;\n }\n}\n\n// HEY YOU! DON'T TOUCH THIS VARIABLE!\n//\n// It is replaced with the proper version at build time via a babel plugin in\n// the rollup config.\n//\n// Export a global property onto the window for React Router detection by the\n// Core Web Vitals Technology Report. This way they can configure the `wappalyzer`\n// to detect and properly classify live websites as being built with React Router:\n// https://github.com/HTTPArchive/wappalyzer/blob/main/src/technologies/r.json\nconst REACT_ROUTER_VERSION = \"0\";\ntry {\n window.__reactRouterVersion = REACT_ROUTER_VERSION;\n} catch (e) {\n // no-op\n}\n\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n//#region Routers\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\ninterface DOMRouterOpts {\n basename?: string;\n future?: Partial<Omit<RouterFutureConfig, \"v7_prependBasename\">>;\n hydrationData?: HydrationState;\n window?: Window;\n}\n\nexport function createBrowserRouter(\n routes: RouteObject[],\n opts?: DOMRouterOpts\n): RemixRouter {\n return createRouter({\n basename: opts?.basename,\n future: {\n ...opts?.future,\n v7_prependBasename: true,\n },\n history: createBrowserHistory({ window: opts?.window }),\n hydrationData: opts?.hydrationData || parseHydrationData(),\n routes,\n mapRouteProperties,\n window: opts?.window,\n }).initialize();\n}\n\nexport function createHashRouter(\n routes: RouteObject[],\n opts?: DOMRouterOpts\n): RemixRouter {\n return createRouter({\n basename: opts?.basename,\n future: {\n ...opts?.future,\n v7_prependBasename: true,\n },\n history: createHashHistory({ window: opts?.window }),\n hydrationData: opts?.hydrationData || parseHydrationData(),\n routes,\n mapRouteProperties,\n window: opts?.window,\n }).initialize();\n}\n\nfunction parseHydrationData(): HydrationState | undefined {\n let state = window?.__staticRouterHydrationData;\n if (state && state.errors) {\n state = {\n ...state,\n errors: deserializeErrors(state.errors),\n };\n }\n return state;\n}\n\nfunction deserializeErrors(\n errors: RemixRouter[\"state\"][\"errors\"]\n): RemixRouter[\"state\"][\"errors\"] {\n if (!errors) return null;\n let entries = Object.entries(errors);\n let serialized: RemixRouter[\"state\"][\"errors\"] = {};\n for (let [key, val] of entries) {\n // Hey you! If you change this, please change the corresponding logic in\n // serializeErrors in react-router-dom/server.tsx :)\n if (val && val.__type === \"RouteErrorResponse\") {\n serialized[key] = new ErrorResponseImpl(\n val.status,\n val.statusText,\n val.data,\n val.internal === true\n );\n } else if (val && val.__type === \"Error\") {\n // Attempt to reconstruct the right type of Error (i.e., ReferenceError)\n if (val.__subType) {\n let ErrorConstructor = window[val.__subType];\n if (typeof ErrorConstructor === \"function\") {\n try {\n // @ts-expect-error\n let error = new ErrorConstructor(val.message);\n // Wipe away the client-side stack trace. Nothing to fill it in with\n // because we don't serialize SSR stack traces for security reasons\n error.stack = \"\";\n serialized[key] = error;\n } catch (e) {\n // no-op - fall through and create a normal Error\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (serialized[key] == null) {\n let error = new Error(val.message);\n // Wipe away the client-side stack trace. Nothing to fill it in with\n // because we don't serialize SSR stack traces for security reasons\n error.stack = \"\";\n serialized[key] = error;\n }\n } else {\n serialized[key] = val;\n }\n }\n return serialized;\n}\n\n//#endregion\n\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n//#region Contexts\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\ntype ViewTransitionContextObject =\n | {\n isTransitioning: false;\n }\n | {\n isTransitioning: true;\n flushSync: boolean;\n currentLocation: Location;\n nextLocation: Location;\n };\n\nconst ViewTransitionContext = React.createContext<ViewTransitionContextObject>({\n isTransitioning: false,\n});\nif (__DEV__) {\n ViewTransitionContext.displayName = \"ViewTransition\";\n}\n\nexport { ViewTransitionContext as UNSAFE_ViewTransitionContext };\n\n// TODO: (v7) Change the useFetcher data from `any` to `unknown`\ntype FetchersContextObject = Map<string, any>;\n\nconst FetchersContext = React.createContext<FetchersContextObject>(new Map());\nif (__DEV__) {\n FetchersContext.displayName = \"Fetchers\";\n}\n\nexport { FetchersContext as UNSAFE_FetchersContext };\n\n//#endregion\n\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n//#region Components\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\n/**\n Webpack + React 17 fails to compile on any of the following because webpack\n complains that `startTransition` doesn't exist in `React`:\n * import { startTransition } from \"react\"\n * import * as React from from \"react\";\n \"startTransition\" in React ? React.startTransition(() => setState()) : setState()\n * import * as React from from \"react\";\n \"startTransition\" in React ? React[\"startTransition\"](() => setState()) : setState()\n\n Moving it to a constant such as the following solves the Webpack/React 17 issue:\n * import * as React from from \"react\";\n const START_TRANSITION = \"startTransition\";\n START_TRANSITION in React ? React[START_TRANSITION](() => setState()) : setState()\n\n However, that introduces webpack/terser minification issues in production builds\n in React 18 where minification/obfuscation ends up removing the call of\n React.startTransition entirely from the first half of the ternary. Grabbing\n this exported reference once up front resolves that issue.\n\n See https://github.com/remix-run/react-router/issues/10579\n*/\nconst START_TRANSITION = \"startTransition\";\nconst startTransitionImpl = React[START_TRANSITION];\nconst FLUSH_SYNC = \"flushSync\";\nconst flushSyncImpl = ReactDOM[FLUSH_SYNC];\nconst USE_ID = \"useId\";\nconst useIdImpl = React[USE_ID];\n\nfunction startTransitionSafe(cb: () => void) {\n if (startTransitionImpl) {\n startTransitionImpl(cb);\n } else {\n cb();\n }\n}\n\nfunction flushSyncSafe(cb: () => void) {\n if (flushSyncImpl) {\n flushSyncImpl(cb);\n } else {\n cb();\n }\n}\n\ninterface ViewTransition {\n finished: Promise<void>;\n ready: Promise<void>;\n updateCallbackDone: Promise<void>;\n skipTransition(): void;\n}\n\nclass Deferred<T> {\n status: \"pending\" | \"resolved\" | \"rejected\" = \"pending\";\n promise: Promise<T>;\n // @ts-expect-error - no initializer\n resolve: (value: T) => void;\n // @ts-expect-error - no initializer\n reject: (reason?: unknown) => void;\n constructor() {\n this.promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n this.resolve = (value) => {\n if (this.status === \"pending\") {\n this.status = \"resolved\";\n resolve(value);\n }\n };\n this.reject = (reason) => {\n if (this.status === \"pending\") {\n this.status = \"rejected\";\n reject(reason);\n }\n };\n });\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Given a Remix Router instance, render the appropriate UI\n */\nexport function RouterProvider({\n fallbackElement,\n router,\n future,\n}: RouterProviderProps): React.ReactElement {\n let [state, setStateImpl] = React.useState(router.state);\n let [pendingState, setPendingState] = React.useState<RouterState>();\n let [vtContext, setVtContext] = React.useState<ViewTransitionContextObject>({\n isTransitioning: false,\n });\n let [renderDfd, setRenderDfd] = React.useState<Deferred<void>>();\n let [transition, setTransition] = React.useState<ViewTransition>();\n let [interruption, setInterruption] = React.useState<{\n state: RouterState;\n currentLocation: Location;\n nextLocation: Location;\n }>();\n let fetcherData = React.useRef<Map<string, any>>(new Map());\n let { v7_startTransition } = future || {};\n\n let optInStartTransition = React.useCallback(\n (cb: () => void) => {\n if (v7_startTransition) {\n startTransitionSafe(cb);\n } else {\n cb();\n }\n },\n [v7_startTransition]\n );\n\n let setState = React.useCallback<RouterSubscriber>(\n (\n newState: RouterState,\n {\n deletedFetchers,\n unstable_flushSync: flushSync,\n unstable_viewTransitionOpts: viewTransitionOpts,\n }\n ) => {\n deletedFetchers.forEach((key) => fetcherData.current.delete(key));\n newState.fetchers.forEach((fetcher, key) => {\n if (fetcher.data !== undefined) {\n fetcherData.current.set(key, fetcher.data);\n }\n });\n\n let isViewTransitionUnavailable =\n router.window == null ||\n typeof router.window.document.startViewTransition !== \"function\";\n\n // If this isn't a view transition or it's not available in this browser,\n // just update and be done with it\n if (!viewTransitionOpts || isViewTransitionUnavailable) {\n if (flushSync) {\n flushSyncSafe(() => setStateImpl(newState));\n } else {\n optInStartTransition(() => setStateImpl(newState));\n }\n return;\n }\n\n // flushSync + startViewTransition\n if (flushSync) {\n // Flush through the context to mark DOM elements as transition=ing\n flushSyncSafe(() => {\n // Cancel any pending transitions\n if (transition) {\n renderDfd && renderDfd.resolve();\n transition.skipTransition();\n }\n setVtContext({\n isTransitioning: true,\n flushSync: true,\n currentLocation: viewTransitionOpts.currentLocation,\n nextLocation: viewTransitionOpts.nextLocation,\n });\n });\n\n // Update the DOM\n let t = router.window!.document.startViewTransition(() => {\n flushSyncSafe(() => setStateImpl(newState));\n });\n\n // Clean up after the animation completes\n t.finished.finally(() => {\n flushSyncSafe(() => {\n setRenderDfd(undefined);\n setTransition(undefined);\n setPendingState(undefined);\n setVtContext({ isTransitioning: false });\n });\n });\n\n flushSyncSafe(() => setTransition(t));\n return;\n }\n\n // startTransition + startViewTransition\n if (transition) {\n // Interrupting an in-progress transition, cancel and let everything flush\n // out, and then kick off a new transition from the interruption state\n renderDfd && renderDfd.resolve();\n transition.skipTransition();\n setInterruption({\n state: newState,\n currentLocation: viewTransitionOpts.currentLocation,\n nextLocation: viewTransitionOpts.nextLocation,\n });\n } else {\n // Completed navigation update with opted-in view transitions, let 'er rip\n setPendingState(newState);\n setVtContext({\n isTransitioning: true,\n flushSync: false,\n currentLocation: viewTransitionOpts.currentLocation,\n nextLocation: viewTransitionOpts.nextLocation,\n });\n }\n },\n [router.window, transition, renderDfd, fetcherData, optInStartTransition]\n );\n\n // Need to use a layout effect here so we are subscribed early enough to\n // pick up on any render-driven redirects/navigations (useEffect/<Navigate>)\n React.useLayoutEffect(() => router.subscribe(setState), [router, setState]);\n\n // When we start a view transition, create a Deferred we can use for the\n // eventual \"completed\" render\n React.useEffect(() => {\n if (vtContext.isTransitioning && !vtContext.flushSync) {\n setRenderDfd(new Deferred<void>());\n }\n }, [vtContext]);\n\n // Once the deferred is created, kick off startViewTransition() to update the\n // DOM and then wait on the Deferred to resolve (indicating the DOM update has\n // happened)\n React.useEffect(() => {\n if (renderDfd && pendingState && router.window) {\n let newState = pendingState;\n let renderPromise = renderDfd.promise;\n let transition = router.window.document.startViewTransition(async () => {\n optInStartTransition(() => setStateImpl(newState));\n await renderPromise;\n });\n transition.finished.finally(() => {\n setRenderDfd(undefined);\n setTransition(undefined);\n setPendingState(undefined);\n setVtContext({ isTransitioning: false });\n });\n setTransition(transition);\n }\n }, [optInStartTransition, pendingState, renderDfd, router.window]);\n\n // When the new location finally renders and is committed to the DOM, this\n // effect will run to resolve the transition\n React.useEffect(() => {\n if (\n renderDfd &&\n pendingState &&\n state.location.key === pendingState.location.key\n ) {\n renderDfd.resolve();\n }\n }, [renderDfd, transition, state.location, pendingState]);\n\n // If we get interrupted with a new navigation during a transition, we skip\n // the active transition, let it cleanup, then kick it off again here\n React.useEffect(() => {\n if (!vtContext.isTransitioning && interruption) {\n setPendingState(interruption.state);\n setVtContext({\n isTransitioning: true,\n flushSync: false,\n currentLocation: interruption.currentLocation,\n nextLocation: interruption.nextLocation,\n });\n setInterruption(undefined);\n }\n }, [vtContext.isTransitioning, interruption]);\n\n React.useEffect(() => {\n warning(\n fallbackElement == null || !router.future.v7_partialHydration,\n \"`<RouterProvider fallbackElement>` is deprecated when using \" +\n \"`v7_partialHydration`, use a `HydrateFallback` component instead\"\n );\n // Only log this once on initial mount\n // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps\n }, []);\n\n let navigator = React.useMemo((): Navigator => {\n return {\n createHref: router.createHref,\n encodeLocation: router.encodeLocation,\n go: (n) => router.navigate(n),\n push: (to, state, opts) =>\n router.navigate(to, {\n state,\n preventScrollReset: opts?.preventScrollReset,\n }),\n replace: (to, state, opts) =>\n router.navigate(to, {\n replace: true,\n state,\n preventScrollReset: opts?.preventScrollReset,\n }),\n };\n }, [router]);\n\n let basename = router.basename || \"/\";\n\n let dataRouterContext = React.useMemo(\n () => ({\n router,\n navigator,\n static: false,\n basename,\n }),\n [router, navigator, basename]\n );\n\n // The fragment and {null} here are important! We need them to keep React 18's\n // useId happy when we are server-rendering since we may have a <script> here\n // containing the hydrated server-side staticContext (from StaticRouterProvider).\n // useId relies on the component tree structure to generate deterministic id's\n // so we need to ensure it remains the same on the client even though\n // we don't need the <script> tag\n return (\n <>\n <DataRouterContext.Provider value={dataRouterContext}>\n <DataRouterStateContext.Provider value={state}>\n <FetchersContext.Provider value={fetcherData.current}>\n <ViewTransitionContext.Provider value={vtContext}>\n <Router\n basename={basename}\n location={state.location}\n navigationType={state.historyAction}\n navigator={navigator}\n future={{\n v7_relativeSplatPath: router.future.v7_relativeSplatPath,\n }}\n >\n {state.initialized || router.future.v7_partialHydration ? (\n <DataRoutes\n routes={router.routes}\n future={router.future}\n state={state}\n />\n ) : (\n fallbackElement\n )}\n </Router>\n </ViewTransitionContext.Provider>\n </FetchersContext.Provider>\n </DataRouterStateContext.Provider>\n </DataRouterContext.Provider>\n {null}\n </>\n );\n}\n\nfunction DataRoutes({\n routes,\n future,\n state,\n}: {\n routes: DataRouteObject[];\n future: RemixRouter[\"future\"];\n state: RouterState;\n}): React.ReactElement | null {\n return useRoutesImpl(routes, undefined, state, future);\n}\n\nexport interface BrowserRouterProps {\n basename?: string;\n children?: React.ReactNode;\n future?: Partial<FutureConfig>;\n window?: Window;\n}\n\n/**\n * A `<Router>` for use in web browsers. Provides the cleanest URLs.\n */\nexport function BrowserRouter({\n basename,\n children,\n future,\n window,\n}: BrowserRouterProps) {\n let historyRef = React.useRef<BrowserHistory>();\n if (historyRef.current == null) {\n historyRef.current = createBrowserHistory({ window, v5Compat: true });\n }\n\n let history = historyRef.current;\n let [state, setStateImpl] = React.useState({\n action: history.action,\n location: history.location,\n });\n let { v7_startTransition } = future || {};\n let setState = React.useCallback(\n (newState: { action: NavigationType; location: Location }) => {\n v7_startTransition && startTransitionImpl\n ? startTransitionImpl(() => setStateImpl(newState))\n : setStateImpl(newState);\n },\n [setStateImpl, v7_startTransition]\n );\n\n React.useLayoutEffect(() => history.listen(setState), [history, setState]);\n\n return (\n <Router\n basename={basename}\n children={children}\n location={state.location}\n navigationType={state.action}\n navigator={history}\n future={future}\n />\n );\n}\n\nexport interface HashRouterProps {\n basename?: string;\n children?: React.ReactNode;\n future?: Partial<FutureConfig>;\n window?: Window;\n}\n\n/**\n * A `<Router>` for use in web browsers. Stores the location in the hash\n * portion of the URL so it is not sent to the server.\n */\nexport function HashRouter({\n basename,\n children,\n future,\n window,\n}: HashRouterProps) {\n let historyRef = React.useRef<HashHistory>();\n if (historyRef.current == null) {\n historyRef.current = createHashHistory({ window, v5Compat: true });\n }\n\n let history = historyRef.current;\n let [state, setStateImpl] = React.useState({\n action: history.action,\n location: history.location,\n });\n let { v7_startTransition } = future || {};\n let setState = React.useCallback(\n (newState: { action: NavigationType; location: Location }) => {\n v7_startTransition && startTransitionImpl\n ? startTransitionImpl(() => setStateImpl(newState))\n : setStateImpl(newState);\n },\n [setStateImpl, v7_startTransition]\n );\n\n React.useLayoutEffect(() => history.listen(setState), [history, setState]);\n\n return (\n <Router\n basename={basename}\n children={children}\n location={state.location}\n navigationType={state.action}\n navigator={history}\n future={future}\n />\n );\n}\n\nexport interface HistoryRouterProps {\n basename?: string;\n children?: React.ReactNode;\n future?: FutureConfig;\n history: History;\n}\n\n/**\n * A `<Router>` that accepts a pre-instantiated history object. It's important\n * to note that using your own history object is highly discouraged and may add\n * two versions of the history library to your bundles unless you use the same\n * version of the history library that React Router uses internally.\n */\nfunction HistoryRouter({\n basename,\n children,\n future,\n history,\n}: HistoryRouterProps) {\n let [state, setStateImpl] = React.useState({\n action: history.action,\n location: history.location,\n });\n let { v7_startTransition } = future || {};\n let setState = React.useCallback(\n (newState: { action: NavigationType; location: Location }) => {\n v7_startTransition && startTransitionImpl\n ? startTransitionImpl(() => setStateImpl(newState))\n : setStateImpl(newState);\n },\n [setStateImpl, v7_startTransition]\n );\n\n React.useLayoutEffect(() => history.listen(setState), [history, setState]);\n\n return (\n <Router\n basename={basename}\n children={children}\n location={state.location}\n navigationType={state.action}\n navigator={history}\n future={future}\n />\n );\n}\n\nif (__DEV__) {\n HistoryRouter.displayName = \"unstable_HistoryRouter\";\n}\n\nexport { HistoryRouter as unstable_HistoryRouter };\n\nexport interface LinkProps\n extends Omit<React.AnchorHTMLAttributes<HTMLAnchorElement>, \"href\"> {\n reloadDocument?: boolean;\n replace?: boolean;\n state?: any;\n preventScrollReset?: boolean;\n relative?: RelativeRoutingType;\n to: To;\n unstable_viewTransition?: boolean;\n}\n\nconst isBrowser =\n typeof window !== \"undefined\" &&\n typeof window.document !== \"undefined\" &&\n typeof window.document.createElement !== \"undefined\";\n\nconst ABSOLUTE_URL_REGEX = /^(?:[a-z][a-z0-9+.-]*:|\\/\\/)/i;\n\n/**\n * The public API for rendering a history-aware `<a>`.\n */\nexport const Link = React.forwardRef<HTMLAnchorElement, LinkProps>(\n function LinkWithRef(\n {\n onClick,\n relative,\n reloadDocument,\n replace,\n state,\n target,\n to,\n preventScrollReset,\n unstable_viewTransition,\n ...rest\n },\n ref\n ) {\n let { basename } = React.useContext(NavigationContext);\n\n // Rendered into <a href> for absolute URLs\n let absoluteHref;\n let isExternal = false;\n\n if (typeof to === \"string\" && ABSOLUTE_URL_REGEX.test(to)) {\n // Render the absolute href server- and client-side\n absoluteHref = to;\n\n // Only check for external origins client-side\n if (isBrowser) {\n try {\n let currentUrl = new URL(window.location.href);\n let targetUrl = to.startsWith(\"//\")\n ? new URL(currentUrl.protocol + to)\n : new URL(to);\n let path = stripBasename(targetUrl.pathname, basename);\n\n if (targetUrl.origin === currentUrl.origin && path != null) {\n // Strip the protocol/origin/basename for same-origin absolute URLs\n to = path + targetUrl.search + targetUrl.hash;\n } else {\n isExternal = true;\n }\n } catch (e) {\n // We can't do external URL detection without a valid URL\n warning(\n false,\n `<Link to=\"${to}\"> contains an invalid URL which will probably break ` +\n `when clicked - please update to a valid URL path.`\n );\n }\n }\n }\n\n // Rendered into <a href> for relative URLs\n let href = useHref(to, { relative });\n\n let internalOnClick = useLinkClickHandler(to, {\n replace,\n state,\n target,\n preventScrollReset,\n relative,\n unstable_viewTransition,\n });\n function handleClick(\n event: React.MouseEvent<HTMLAnchorElement, MouseEvent>\n ) {\n if (onClick) onClick(event);\n if (!event.defaultPrevented) {\n internalOnClick(event);\n }\n }\n\n return (\n // eslint-disable-next-line jsx-a11y/anchor-has-content\n <a\n {...rest}\n href={absoluteHref || href}\n onClick={isExternal || reloadDocument ? onClick : handleClick}\n ref={ref}\n target={target}\n />\n );\n }\n);\n\nif (__DEV__) {\n Link.displayName = \"Link\";\n}\n\ntype NavLinkRenderProps = {\n isActive: boolean;\n isPending: boolean;\n isTransitioning: boolean;\n};\n\nexport interface NavLinkProps\n extends Omit<LinkProps, \"className\" | \"style\" | \"children\"> {\n children?: React.ReactNode | ((props: NavLinkRenderProps) => React.ReactNode);\n caseSensitive?: boolean;\n className?: string | ((props: NavLinkRenderProps) => string | undefined);\n end?: boolean;\n style?:\n | React.CSSProperties\n | ((props: NavLinkRenderProps) => React.CSSProperties | undefined);\n}\n\n/**\n * A `<Link>` wrapper that knows if it's \"active\" or not.\n */\nexport const NavLink = React.forwardRef<HTMLAnchorElement, NavLinkProps>(\n function NavLinkWithRef(\n {\n \"aria-current\": ariaCurrentProp = \"page\",\n caseSensitive = false,\n className: classNameProp = \"\",\n end = false,\n style: styleProp,\n to,\n unstable_viewTransition,\n children,\n ...rest\n },\n ref\n ) {\n let path = useResolvedPath(to, { relative: rest.relative });\n let location = useLocation();\n let routerState = React.useContext(DataRouterStateContext);\n let { navigator, basename } = React.useContext(NavigationContext);\n let isTransitioning =\n routerState != null &&\n // Conditional usage is OK here because the usage of a data router is static\n // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/rules-of-hooks\n useViewTransitionState(path) &&\n unstable_viewTransition === true;\n\n let toPathname = navigator.encodeLocation\n ? navigator.encodeLocation(path).pathname\n : path.pathname;\n let locationPathname = location.pathname;\n let nextLocationPathname =\n routerState && routerState.navigation && routerState.navigation.location\n ? routerState.navigation.location.pathname\n : null;\n\n if (!caseSensitive) {\n locationPathname = locationPathname.toLowerCase();\n nextLocationPathname = nextLocationPathname\n ? nextLocationPathname.toLowerCase()\n : null;\n toPathname = toPathname.toLowerCase();\n }\n\n if (nextLocationPathname && basename) {\n nextLocationPathname =\n stripBasename(nextLocationPathname, basename) || nextLocationPathname;\n }\n\n // If the `to` has a trailing slash, look at that exact spot. Otherwise,\n // we're looking for a slash _after_ what's in `to`. For example:\n //\n // <NavLink to=\"/users\"> and <NavLink to=\"/users/\">\n // both want to look for a / at index 6 to match URL `/users/matt`\n const endSlashPosition =\n toPathname !== \"/\" && toPathname.endsWith(\"/\")\n ? toPathname.length - 1\n : toPathname.length;\n let isActive =\n locationPathname === toPathname ||\n (!end &&\n locationPathname.startsWith(toPathname) &&\n locationPathname.charAt(endSlashPosition) === \"/\");\n\n let isPending =\n nextLocationPathname != null &&\n (nextLocationPathname === toPathname ||\n (!end &&\n nextLocationPathname.startsWith(toPathname) &&\n nextLocationPathname.charAt(toPathname.length) === \"/\"));\n\n let renderProps = {\n isActive,\n isPending,\n isTransitioning,\n };\n\n let ariaCurrent = isActive ? ariaCurrentProp : undefined;\n\n let className: string | undefined;\n if (typeof classNameProp === \"function\") {\n className = classNameProp(renderProps);\n } else {\n // If the className prop is not a function, we use a default `active`\n // class for <NavLink />s that are active. In v5 `active` was the default\n // value for `activeClassName`, but we are removing that API and can still\n // use the old default behavior for a cleaner upgrade path and keep the\n // simple styling rules working as they currently do.\n className = [\n classNameProp,\n isActive ? \"active\" : null,\n isPending ? \"pending\" : null,\n isTransitioning ? \"transitioning\" : null,\n ]\n .filter(Boolean)\n .join(\" \");\n }\n\n let style =\n typeof styleProp === \"function\" ? styleProp(renderProps) : styleProp;\n\n return (\n <Link\n {...rest}\n aria-current={ariaCurrent}\n className={className}\n ref={ref}\n style={style}\n to={to}\n unstable_viewTransition={unstable_viewTransition}\n >\n {typeof children === \"function\" ? children(renderProps) : children}\n </Link>\n );\n }\n);\n\nif (__DEV__) {\n NavLink.displayName = \"NavLink\";\n}\n\nexport interface FetcherFormProps\n extends React.FormHTMLAttributes<HTMLFormElement> {\n /**\n * The HTTP verb to use when the form is submit. Supports \"get\", \"post\",\n * \"put\", \"delete\", \"patch\".\n */\n method?: HTMLFormMethod;\n\n /**\n * `<form encType>` - enhancing beyond the normal string type and limiting\n * to the built-in browser supported values\n */\n encType?:\n | \"application/x-www-form-urlencoded\"\n | \"multipart/form-data\"\n | \"text/plain\";\n\n /**\n * Normal `<form action>` but supports React Router's relative paths.\n */\n action?: string;\n\n /**\n * Determines whether the form action is relative to the route hierarchy or\n * the pathname. Use this if you want to opt out of navigating the route\n * hierarchy and want to instead route based on /-delimited URL segments\n */\n relative?: RelativeRoutingType;\n\n /**\n * Prevent the scroll position from resetting to the top of the viewport on\n * completion of the navigation when using the <ScrollRestoration> component\n */\n preventScrollReset?: boolean;\n\n /**\n * A function to call when the form is submitted. If you call\n * `event.preventDefault()` then this form will not do anything.\n */\n onSubmit?: React.FormEventHandler<HTMLFormElement>;\n}\n\nexport interface FormProps extends FetcherFormProps {\n /**\n * Indicate a specific fetcherKey to use when using navigate=false\n */\n fetcherKey?: string;\n\n /**\n * navigate=false will use a fetcher instead of a navigation\n */\n navigate?: boolean;\n\n /**\n * Forces a full document navigation instead of a fetch.\n */\n reloadDocument?: boolean;\n\n /**\n * Replaces the current entry in the browser history stack when the form\n * navigates. Use this if you don't want the user to be able to click \"back\"\n * to the page with the form on it.\n */\n replace?: boolean;\n\n /**\n * State object to add to the history stack entry for this navigation\n */\n state?: any;\n\n /**\n * Enable view transitions on this Form navigation\n */\n unstable_viewTransition?: boolean;\n}\n\ntype HTMLSubmitEvent = React.BaseSyntheticEvent<\n SubmitEvent,\n Event,\n HTMLFormElement\n>;\n\ntype HTMLFormSubmitter = HTMLButtonElement | HTMLInputElement;\n\n/**\n * A `@remix-run/router`-aware `<form>`. It behaves like a normal form except\n * that the interaction with the server is with `fetch` instead of new document\n * requests, allowing components to add nicer UX to the page as the form is\n * submitted and returns with data.\n */\nexport const Form = React.forwardRef<HTMLFormElement, FormProps>(\n (\n {\n fetcherKey,\n navigate,\n reloadDocument,\n replace,\n state,\n method = defaultMethod,\n action,\n onSubmit,\n relative,\n preventScrollReset,\n unstable_viewTransition,\n ...props\n },\n forwardedRef\n ) => {\n let submit = useSubmit();\n let formAction = useFormAction(action, { relative });\n let formMethod: HTMLFormMethod =\n method.toLowerCase() === \"get\" ? \"get\" : \"post\";\n\n let submitHandler: React.FormEventHandler<HTMLFormElement> = (event) => {\n onSubmit && onSubmit(event);\n if (event.defaultPrevented) return;\n event.preventDefault();\n\n let submitter = (event as unknown as HTMLSubmitEvent).nativeEvent\n .submitter as HTMLFormSubmitter | null;\n\n let submitMethod =\n (submitter?.getAttribute(\"formmethod\") as HTMLFormMethod | undefined) ||\n method;\n\n submit(submitter || event.currentTarget, {\n fetcherKey,\n method: submitMethod,\n navigate,\n replace,\n state,\n relative,\n preventScrollReset,\n unstable_viewTransition,\n });\n };\n\n return (\n <form\n ref={forwardedRef}\n method={formMethod}\n action={formAction}\n onSubmit={reloadDocument ? onSubmit : submitHandler}\n {...props}\n />\n );\n }\n);\n\nif (__DEV__) {\n Form.displayName = \"Form\";\n}\n\nexport interface ScrollRestorationProps {\n getKey?: GetScrollRestorationKeyFunction;\n storageKey?: string;\n}\n\n/**\n * This component will emulate the browser's scroll restoration on location\n * changes.\n */\nexport function ScrollRestoration({\n getKey,\n storageKey,\n}: ScrollRestorationProps) {\n useScrollRestoration({ getKey, storageKey });\n return null;\n}\n\nif (__DEV__) {\n ScrollRestoration.displayName = \"ScrollRestoration\";\n}\n//#endregion\n\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n//#region Hooks\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\nenum DataRouterHook {\n UseScrollRestoration = \"useScrollRestoration\",\n UseSubmit = \"useSubmit\",\n UseSubmitFetcher = \"useSubmitFetcher\",\n UseFetcher = \"useFetcher\",\n useViewTransitionState = \"useViewTransitionState\",\n}\n\nenum DataRouterStateHook {\n UseFetcher = \"useFetcher\",\n UseFetchers = \"useFetchers\",\n UseScrollRestoration = \"useScrollRestoration\",\n}\n\n// Internal hooks\n\nfunction getDataRouterConsoleError(\n hookName: DataRouterHook | DataRouterStateHook\n) {\n return `${hookName} must be used within a data router. See https://reactrouter.com/routers/picking-a-router.`;\n}\n\nfunction useDataRouterContext(hookName: DataRouterHook) {\n let ctx = React.useContext(DataRouterContext);\n invariant(ctx, getDataRouterConsoleError(hookName));\n return ctx;\n}\n\nfunction useDataRouterState(hookName: DataRouterStateHook) {\n let state = React.useContext(DataRouterStateContext);\n invariant(state, getDataRouterConsoleError(hookName));\n return state;\n}\n\n// External hooks\n\n/**\n * Handles the click behavior for router `<Link>` components. This is useful if\n * you need to create custom `<Link>` components with the same click behavior we\n * use in our exported `<Link>`.\n */\nexport function useLinkClickHandler<E extends Element = HTMLAnchorElement>(\n to: To,\n {\n target,\n replace: replaceProp,\n state,\n preventScrollReset,\n relative,\n unstable_viewTransition,\n }: {\n target?: React.HTMLAttributeAnchorTarget;\n replace?: boolean;\n state?: any;\n preventScrollReset?: boolean;\n relative?: RelativeRoutingType;\n unstable_viewTransition?: boolean;\n } = {}\n): (event: React.MouseEvent<E, MouseEvent>) => void {\n let navigate = useNavigate();\n let location = useLocation();\n let path = useResolvedPath(to, { relative });\n\n return React.useCallback(\n (event: React.MouseEvent<E, MouseEvent>) => {\n if (shouldProcessLinkClick(event, target)) {\n event.preventDefault();\n\n // If the URL hasn't changed, a regular <a> will do a replace instead of\n // a push, so do the same here unless the replace prop is explicitly set\n let replace =\n replaceProp !== undefined\n ? replaceProp\n : createPath(location) === createPath(path);\n\n navigate(to, {\n replace,\n state,\n preventScrollReset,\n relative,\n unstable_viewTransition,\n });\n }\n },\n [\n location,\n navigate,\n path,\n replaceProp,\n state,\n target,\n to,\n preventScrollReset,\n relative,\n unstable_viewTransition,\n ]\n );\n}\n\n/**\n * A convenient wrapper for reading and writing search parameters via the\n * URLSearchParams interface.\n */\nexport function useSearchParams(\n defaultInit?: URLSearchParamsInit\n): [URLSearchParams, SetURLSearchParams] {\n warning(\n typeof URLSearchParams !== \"undefined\",\n `You cannot use the \\`useSearchParams\\` hook in a browser that does not ` +\n `support the URLSearchParams API. If you need to support Internet ` +\n `Explorer 11, we recommend you load a polyfill such as ` +\n `https://github.com/ungap/url-search-params\\n\\n` +\n `If you're unsure how to load polyfills, we recommend you check out ` +\n `https://polyfill.io/v3/ which provides some recommendations about how ` +\n `to load polyfills only for users that need them, instead of for every ` +\n `user.`\n );\n\n let defaultSearchParamsRef = React.useRef(createSearchParams(defaultInit));\n let hasSetSearchParamsRef = React.useRef(false);\n\n let location = useLocation();\n let searchParams = React.useMemo(\n () =>\n // Only merge in the defaults if we haven't yet called setSearchParams.\n // Once we call that we want those to take precedence, otherwise you can't\n // remove a param with setSearchParams({}) if it has an initial value\n getSearchParamsForLocation(\n location.search,\n hasSetSearchParamsRef.current ? null : defaultSearchParamsRef.current\n ),\n [location.search]\n );\n\n let navigate = useNavigate();\n let setSearchParams = React.useCallback<SetURLSearchParams>(\n (nextInit, navigateOptions) => {\n const newSearchParams = createSearchParams(\n typeof nextInit === \"function\" ? nextInit(searchParams) : nextInit\n );\n hasSetSearchParamsRef.current = true;\n navigate(\"?\" + newSearchParams, navigateOptions);\n },\n [navigate, searchParams]\n );\n\n return [searchParams, setSearchParams];\n}\n\nexport type SetURLSearchParams = (\n nextInit?:\n | URLSearchParamsInit\n | ((prev: URLSearchParams) => URLSearchParamsInit),\n navigateOpts?: NavigateOptions\n) => void;\n\n/**\n * Submits a HTML `<form>` to the server without reloading the page.\n */\nexport interface SubmitFunction {\n (\n /**\n * Specifies the `<form>` to be submitted to the server, a specific\n * `<button>` or `<input type=\"submit\">` to use to submit the form, or some\n * arbitrary data to submit.\n *\n * Note: When using a `<button>` its `name` and `value` will also be\n * included in the form data that is submitted.\n */\n target: SubmitTarget,\n\n /**\n * Options that override the `<form>`'s own attributes. Required when\n * submitting arbitrary data without a backing `<form>`.\n */\n options?: SubmitOptions\n ): void;\n}\n\n/**\n * Submits a fetcher `<form>` to the server without reloading the page.\n */\nexport interface FetcherSubmitFunction {\n (\n target: SubmitTarget,\n // Fetchers cannot replace or set state because they are not navigation events\n options?: Omit<SubmitOptions, \"replace\" | \"state\">\n ): void;\n}\n\nfunction validateClientSideSubmission() {\n if (typeof document === \"undefined\") {\n throw new Error(\n \"You are calling submit during the server render. \" +\n \"Try calling submit within a `useEffect` or callback instead.\"\n );\n }\n}\n\nlet fetcherId = 0;\nlet getUniqueFetcherId = () => `__${String(++fetcherId)}__`;\n\n/**\n * Returns a function that may be used to programmatically submit a form (or\n * some arbitrary data) to the server.\n */\nexport function useSubmit(): SubmitFunction {\n let { router } = useDataRouterContext(DataRouterHook.UseSubmit);\n let { basename } = React.useContext(NavigationContext);\n let currentRouteId = useRouteId();\n\n return React.useCallback<SubmitFunction>(\n (target, options = {}) => {\n validateClientSideSubmission();\n\n let { action, method, encType, formData, body } = getFormSubmissionInfo(\n target,\n basename\n );\n\n if (options.navigate === false) {\n let key = options.fetcherKey || getUniqueFetcherId();\n router.fetch(key, currentRouteId, options.action || action, {\n preventScrollReset: options.preventScrollReset,\n formData,\n body,\n formMethod: options.method || (method as HTMLFormMethod),\n formEncType: options.encType || (encType as FormEncType),\n unstable_flushSync: options.unstable_flushSync,\n });\n } else {\n router.navigate(options.action || action, {\n preventScrollReset: options.preventScrollReset,\n formData,\n body,\n formMethod: options.method || (method as HTMLFormMethod),\n formEncType: options.encType || (encType as FormEncType),\n replace: options.replace,\n state: options.state,\n fromRouteId: currentRouteId,\n unstable_flushSync: options.unstable_flushSync,\n unstable_viewTransition: options.unstable_viewTransition,\n });\n }\n },\n [router, basename, currentRouteId]\n );\n}\n\n// v7: Eventually we should deprecate this entirely in favor of using the\n// router method directly?\nexport function useFormAction(\n action?: string,\n { relative }: { relative?: RelativeRoutingType } = {}\n): string {\n let { basename } = React.useContext(NavigationContext);\n let routeContext = React.useContext(RouteContext);\n invariant(routeContext, \"useFormAction must be used inside a RouteContext\");\n\n let [match] = routeContext.matches.slice(-1);\n // Shallow clone path so we can modify it below, otherwise we modify the\n // object referenced by useMemo inside useResolvedPath\n let path = { ...useResolvedPath(action ? action : \".\", { relative }) };\n\n // If no action was specified, browsers will persist current search params\n // when determining the path, so match that behavior\n // https://github.com/remix-run/remix/issues/927\n let location = useLocation();\n if (action == null) {\n // Safe to write to this directly here since if action was undefined, we\n // would have called useResolvedPath(\".\") which will never include a search\n path.search = location.search;\n\n // When grabbing search params from the URL, remove any included ?index param\n // since it might not apply to our contextual route. We add it back based\n // on match.route.index below\n let params = new URLSearchParams(path.search);\n if (params.has(\"index\") && params.get(\"index\") === \"\") {\n params.delete(\"index\");\n path.search = params.toString() ? `?${params.toString()}` : \"\";\n }\n }\n\n if ((!action || action === \".\") && match.route.index) {\n path.search = path.search\n ? path.search.replace(/^\\?/, \"?index&\")\n : \"?index\";\n }\n\n // If we're operating within a basename, prepend it to the pathname prior\n // to creating the form action. If this is a root navigation, then just use\n // the raw basename which allows the basename to have full control over the\n // presence of a trailing slash on root actions\n if (basename !== \"/\") {\n path.pathname =\n path.pathname === \"/\" ? basename : joinPaths([basename, path.pathname]);\n }\n\n return createPath(path);\n}\n\nexport type FetcherWithComponents<TData> = Fetcher<TData> & {\n Form: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<\n FetcherFormProps & React.RefAttributes<HTMLFormElement>\n >;\n submit: FetcherSubmitFunction;\n load: (href: string, opts?: { unstable_flushSync?: boolean }) => void;\n};\n\n// TODO: (v7) Change the useFetcher generic default from `any` to `unknown`\n\n/**\n * Interacts with route loaders and actions without causing a navigation. Great\n * for any interaction that stays on the same page.\n */\nexport function useFetcher<TData = any>({\n key,\n}: { key?: string } = {}): FetcherWithComponents<TData> {\n let { router } = useDataRouterContext(DataRouterHook.UseFetcher);\n let state = useDataRouterState(DataRouterStateHook.UseFetcher);\n let fetcherData = React.useContext(FetchersContext);\n let route = React.useContext(RouteContext);\n let routeId = route.matches[route.matches.length - 1]?.route.id;\n\n invariant(fetcherData, `useFetcher must be used inside a FetchersContext`);\n invariant(route, `useFetcher must be used inside a RouteContext`);\n invariant(\n routeId != null,\n `useFetcher can only be used on routes that contain a unique \"id\"`\n );\n\n // Fetcher key handling\n // OK to call conditionally to feature detect `useId`\n // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/rules-of-hooks\n let defaultKey = useIdImpl ? useIdImpl() : \"\";\n let [fetcherKey, setFetcherKey] = React.useState<string>(key || defaultKey);\n if (key && key !== fetcherKey) {\n setFetcherKey(key);\n } else if (!fetcherKey) {\n // We will only fall through here when `useId` is not available\n setFetcherKey(getUniqueFetcherId());\n }\n\n // Registration/cleanup\n React.useEffect(() => {\n router.getFetcher(fetcherKey);\n return () => {\n // Tell the router we've unmounted - if v7_fetcherPersist is enabled this\n // will not delete immediately but instead queue up a delete after the\n // fetcher returns to an `idle` state\n router.deleteFetcher(fetcherKey);\n };\n }, [router, fetcherKey]);\n\n // Fetcher additions\n let load = React.useCallback(\n (href: string, opts?: { unstable_flushSync?: boolean }) => {\n invariant(routeId, \"No routeId available for fetcher.load()\");\n router.fetch(fetcherKey, routeId, href, opts);\n },\n [fetcherKey, routeId, router]\n );\n\n let submitImpl = useSubmit();\n let submit = React.useCallback<FetcherSubmitFunction>(\n (target, opts) => {\n submitImpl(target, {\n ...opts,\n navigate: false,\n fetcherKey,\n });\n },\n [fetcherKey, submitImpl]\n );\n\n let FetcherForm = React.useMemo(() => {\n let FetcherForm = React.forwardRef<HTMLFormElement, FetcherFormProps>(\n (props, ref) => {\n return (\n <Form {...props} navigate={false} fetcherKey={fetcherKey} ref={ref} />\n );\n }\n );\n if (__DEV__) {\n FetcherForm.displayName = \"fetcher.Form\";\n }\n return FetcherForm;\n }, [fetcherKey]);\n\n // Exposed FetcherWithComponents\n let fetcher = state.fetchers.get(fetcherKey) || IDLE_FETCHER;\n let data = fetcherData.get(fetcherKey);\n let fetcherWithComponents = React.useMemo(\n () => ({\n Form: FetcherForm,\n submit,\n load,\n ...fetcher,\n data,\n }),\n [FetcherForm, submit, load, fetcher, data]\n );\n\n return fetcherWithComponents;\n}\n\n/**\n * Provides all fetchers currently on the page. Useful for layouts and parent\n * routes that need to provide pending/optimistic UI regarding the fetch.\n */\nexport function useFetchers(): (Fetcher & { key: string })[] {\n let state = useDataRouterState(DataRouterStateHook.UseFetchers);\n return Array.from(state.fetchers.entries()).map(([key, fetcher]) => ({\n ...fetcher,\n key,\n }));\n}\n\nconst SCROLL_RESTORATION_STORAGE_KEY = \"react-router-scroll-positions\";\nlet savedScrollPositions: Record<string, number> = {};\n\n/**\n * When rendered inside a RouterProvider, will restore scroll positions on navigations\n */\nfunction useScrollRestoration({\n getKey,\n storageKey,\n}: {\n getKey?: GetScrollRestorationKeyFunction;\n storageKey?: string;\n} = {}) {\n let { router } = useDataRouterContext(DataRouterHook.UseScrollRestoration);\n let { restoreScrollPosition, preventScrollReset } = useDataRouterState(\n DataRouterStateHook.UseScrollRestoration\n );\n let { basename } = React.useContext(NavigationContext);\n let location = useLocation();\n let matches = useMatches();\n let navigation = useNavigation();\n\n // Trigger manual scroll restoration while we're active\n React.useEffect(() => {\n window.history.scrollRestoration = \"manual\";\n return () => {\n window.history.scrollRestoration = \"auto\";\n };\n }, []);\n\n // Save positions on pagehide\n usePageHide(\n React.useCallback(() => {\n if (navigation.state === \"idle\") {\n let key = (getKey ? getKey(location, matches) : null) || location.key;\n savedScrollPositions[key] = window.scrollY;\n }\n try {\n sessionStorage.setItem(\n storageKey || SCROLL_RESTORATION_STORAGE_KEY,\n JSON.stringify(savedScrollPositions)\n );\n } catch (error) {\n warning(\n false,\n `Failed to save scroll positions in sessionStorage, <ScrollRestoration /> will not work properly (${error}).`\n );\n }\n window.history.scrollRestoration = \"auto\";\n }, [storageKey, getKey, navigation.state, location, matches])\n );\n\n // Read in any saved scroll locations\n if (typeof document !== \"undefined\") {\n // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/rules-of-hooks\n React.useLayoutEffect(() => {\n try {\n let sessionPositions = sessionStorage.getItem(\n storageKey || SCROLL_RESTORATION_STORAGE_KEY\n );\n if (sessionPositions) {\n savedScrollPositions = JSON.parse(sessionPositions);\n }\n } catch (e) {\n // no-op, use default empty object\n }\n }, [storageKey]);\n\n // Enable scroll restoration in the router\n // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/rules-of-hooks\n React.useLayoutEffect(() => {\n let getKeyWithoutBasename: GetScrollRestorationKeyFunction | undefined =\n getKey && basename !== \"/\"\n ? (location, matches) =>\n getKey(\n // Strip the basename to match useLocation()\n {\n ...location,\n pathname:\n stripBasename(location.pathname, basename) ||\n location.pathname,\n },\n matches\n )\n : getKey;\n let disableScrollRestoration = router?.enableScrollRestoration(\n savedScrollPositions,\n () => window.scrollY,\n getKeyWithoutBasename\n );\n return () => disableScrollRestoration && disableScrollRestoration();\n }, [router, basename, getKey]);\n\n // Restore scrolling when state.restoreScrollPosition changes\n // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/rules-of-hooks\n React.useLayoutEffect(() => {\n // Explicit false means don't do anything (used for submissions)\n if (restoreScrollPosition === false) {\n return;\n }\n\n // been here before, scroll to it\n if (typeof restoreScrollPosition === \"number\") {\n window.scrollTo(0, restoreScrollPosition);\n return;\n }\n\n // try to scroll to the hash\n if (location.hash) {\n let el = document.getElementById(\n decodeURIComponent(location.hash.slice(1))\n );\n if (el) {\n el.scrollIntoView();\n return;\n }\n }\n\n // Don't reset if this navigation opted out\n if (preventScrollReset === true) {\n return;\n }\n\n // otherwise go to the top on new locations\n window.scrollTo(0, 0);\n }, [location, restoreScrollPosition, preventScrollReset]);\n }\n}\n\nexport { useScrollRestoration as UNSAFE_useScrollRestoration };\n\n/**\n * Setup a callback to be fired on the window's `beforeunload` event. This is\n * useful for saving some data to `window.localStorage` just before the page\n * refreshes.\n *\n * Note: The `callback` argument should be a function created with\n * `React.useCallback()`.\n */\nexport function useBeforeUnload(\n callback: (event: BeforeUnloadEvent) => any,\n options?: { capture?: boolean }\n): void {\n let { capture } = options || {};\n React.useEffect(() => {\n let opts = capture != null ? { capture } : undefined;\n window.addEventListener(\"beforeunload\", callback, opts);\n return () => {\n window.removeEventListener(\"beforeunload\", callback, opts);\n };\n }, [callback, capture]);\n}\n\n/**\n * Setup a callback to be fired on the window's `pagehide` event. This is\n * useful for saving some data to `window.localStorage` just before the page\n * refreshes. This event is better supported than beforeunload across browsers.\n *\n * Note: The `callback` argument should be a function created with\n * `React.useCallback()`.\n */\nfunction usePageHide(\n callback: (event: PageTransitionEvent) => any,\n options?: { capture?: boolean }\n): void {\n let { capture } = options || {};\n React.useEffect(() => {\n let opts = capture != null ? { capture } : undefined;\n window.addEventListener(\"pagehide\", callback, opts);\n return () => {\n window.removeEventListener(\"pagehide\", callback, opts);\n };\n }, [callback, capture]);\n}\n\n/**\n * Wrapper around useBlocker to show a window.confirm prompt to users instead\n * of building a custom UI with useBlocker.\n *\n * Warning: This has *a lot of rough edges* and behaves very differently (and\n * very incorrectly in some cases) across browsers if user click addition\n * back/forward navigations while the confirm is open. Use at your own risk.\n */\nfunction usePrompt({\n when,\n message,\n}: {\n when: boolean | BlockerFunction;\n message: string;\n}) {\n let blocker = useBlocker(when);\n\n React.useEffect(() => {\n if (blocker.state === \"blocked\") {\n let proceed = window.confirm(message);\n if (proceed) {\n // This timeout is needed to avoid a weird \"race\" on POP navigations\n // between the `window.history` revert navigation and the result of\n // `window.confirm`\n setTimeout(blocker.proceed, 0);\n } else {\n blocker.reset();\n }\n }\n }, [blocker, message]);\n\n React.useEffect(() => {\n if (blocker.state === \"blocked\" && !when) {\n blocker.reset();\n }\n }, [blocker, when]);\n}\n\nexport { usePrompt as unstable_usePrompt };\n\n/**\n * Return a boolean indicating if there is an active view transition to the\n * given href. You can use this value to render CSS classes or viewTransitionName\n * styles onto your elements\n *\n * @param href The destination href\n * @param [opts.relative] Relative routing type (\"route\" | \"path\")\n */\nfunction useViewTransitionState(\n to: To,\n opts: { relative?: RelativeRoutingType } = {}\n) {\n let vtContext = React.useContext(ViewTransitionContext);\n\n invariant(\n vtContext != null,\n \"`unstable_useViewTransitionState` must be used within `react-router-dom`'s `RouterProvider`. \" +\n \"Did you accidentally import `RouterProvider` from `react-router`?\"\n );\n\n let { basename } = useDataRouterContext(\n DataRouterHook.useViewTransitionState\n );\n let path = useResolvedPath(to, { relative: opts.relative });\n if (!vtContext.isTransitioning) {\n return false;\n }\n\n let currentPath =\n stripBasename(vtContext.currentLocation.pathname, basename) ||\n vtContext.currentLocation.pathname;\n let nextPath =\n stripBasename(vtContext.nextLocation.pathname, basename) ||\n vtContext.nextLocation.pathname;\n\n // Transition is active if we're going to or coming from the indicated\n // destination. This ensures that other PUSH navigations that reverse\n // an indicated transition apply. I.e., on the list view you have:\n //\n // <NavLink to=\"/details/1\" unstable_viewTransition>\n //\n // If you click the breadcrumb back to the list view:\n //\n // <NavLink to=\"/list\" unstable_viewTransition>\n //\n // We should apply the transition because it's indicated as active going\n // from /list -> /details/1 and therefore should be active on the reverse\n // (even though this isn't strictly a POP reverse)\n return (\n matchPath(path.pathname, nextPath) != null ||\n matchPath(path.pathname, currentPath) != null\n );\n}\n\nexport { useViewTransitionState as unstable_useViewTransitionState };\n\n//#endregion\n"],
"names": ["defaultMethod", "defaultEncType", "isHtmlElement", "object", "tagName", "isButtonElement", "toLowerCase", "isFormElement", "isInputElement", "isModifiedEvent", "event", "metaKey", "altKey", "ctrlKey", "shiftKey", "shouldProcessLinkClick", "target", "button", "createSearchParams", "init", "URLSearchParams", "Array", "isArray", "Object", "keys", "reduce", "memo", "key", "value", "concat", "map", "v", "getSearchParamsForLocation", "locationSearch", "defaultSearchParams", "searchParams", "forEach", "_", "has", "getAll", "append", "_formDataSupportsSubmitter", "isFormDataSubmitterSupported", "FormData", "document", "createElement", "e", "supportedFormEncTypes", "Set", "getFormEncType", "encType", "process", "warning", "getFormSubmissionInfo", "basename", "method", "action", "formData", "body", "attr", "getAttribute", "stripBasename", "type", "form", "Error", "name", "prefix", "undefined", "REACT_ROUTER_VERSION", "window", "__reactRouterVersion", "createBrowserRouter", "routes", "opts", "createRouter", "future", "_extends", "v7_prependBasename", "history", "createBrowserHistory", "hydrationData", "parseHydrationData", "initialize", "createHashRouter", "createHashHistory", "_window", "state", "__staticRouterHydrationData", "errors", "deserializeErrors", "entries", "serialized", "val", "__type", "ErrorResponseImpl", "status", "statusText", "data", "internal", "__subType", "ErrorConstructor", "error", "message", "stack", "ViewTransitionContext", "createContext", "isTransitioning", "displayName", "FetchersContext", "Map", "START_TRANSITION", "startTransitionImpl", "React", "FLUSH_SYNC", "flushSyncImpl", "ReactDOM", "USE_ID", "useIdImpl", "startTransitionSafe", "cb", "flushSyncSafe", "Deferred", "constructor", "promise", "Promise", "resolve", "reject", "reason", "RouterProvider", "_ref", "fallbackElement", "router", "setStateImpl", "useState", "pendingState", "setPendingState", "vtContext", "setVtContext", "renderDfd", "setRenderDfd", "transition", "setTransition", "interruption", "setInterruption", "fetcherData", "useRef", "v7_startTransition", "optInStartTransition", "useCallback", "setState", "newState", "_ref2", "deletedFetchers", "unstable_flushSync", "flushSync", "unstable_viewTransitionOpts", "viewTransitionOpts", "current", "delete", "fetchers", "fetcher", "set", "isViewTransitionUnavailable", "startViewTransition", "skipTransition", "currentLocation", "nextLocation", "t", "finished", "finally", "useLayoutEffect", "subscribe", "useEffect", "renderPromise", "location", "v7_partialHydration", "navigator", "useMemo", "createHref", "encodeLocation", "go", "n", "navigate", "push", "to", "preventScrollReset", "replace", "dataRouterContext", "static", "Fragment", "DataRouterContext", "Provider", "DataRouterStateContext", "Router", "navigationType", "historyAction", "v7_relativeSplatPath", "initialized", "DataRoutes", "_ref3", "useRoutesImpl", "BrowserRouter", "_ref4", "children", "historyRef", "v5Compat", "listen", "HashRouter", "_ref5", "HistoryRouter", "_ref6", "isBrowser", "ABSOLUTE_URL_REGEX", "Link", "forwardRef", "LinkWithRef", "_ref7", "ref", "onClick", "relative", "reloadDocument", "unstable_viewTransition", "rest", "_objectWithoutPropertiesLoose", "_excluded", "useContext", "NavigationContext", "absoluteHref", "isExternal", "test", "currentUrl", "URL", "href", "targetUrl", "startsWith", "protocol", "path", "pathname", "origin", "search", "hash", "useHref", "internalOnClick", "useLinkClickHandler", "handleClick", "defaultPrevented", "NavLink", "NavLinkWithRef", "_ref8", "ariaCurrentProp", "caseSensitive", "className", "classNameProp", "end", "style", "styleProp", "_excluded2", "useResolvedPath", "useLocation", "routerState", "useViewTransitionState", "toPathname", "locationPathname", "nextLocationPathname", "navigation", "endSlashPosition", "endsWith", "length", "isActive", "charAt", "isPending", "renderProps", "ariaCurrent", "filter", "Boolean", "join", "Form", "_ref9", "forwardedRef", "fetcherKey", "onSubmit", "props", "_excluded3", "submit", "useSubmit", "formAction", "useFormAction", "formMethod", "submitHandler", "preventDefault", "submitter", "nativeEvent", "submitMethod", "currentTarget", "ScrollRestoration", "_ref10", "getKey", "storageKey", "useScrollRestoration", "DataRouterHook", "DataRouterStateHook", "getDataRouterConsoleError", "hookName", "useDataRouterContext", "ctx", "invariant", "useDataRouterState", "_temp", "replaceProp", "useNavigate", "createPath", "useSearchParams", "defaultInit", "defaultSearchParamsRef", "hasSetSearchParamsRef", "setSearchParams", "nextInit", "navigateOptions", "newSearchParams", "validateClientSideSubmission", "fetcherId", "getUniqueFetcherId", "String", "UseSubmit", "currentRouteId", "useRouteId", "options", "fetch", "formEncType", "fromRouteId", "_temp2", "routeContext", "RouteContext", "match", "matches", "slice", "params", "get", "toString", "route", "index", "joinPaths", "useFetcher", "_temp3", "_route$matches", "UseFetcher", "routeId", "id", "defaultKey", "setFetcherKey", "getFetcher", "deleteFetcher", "load", "submitImpl", "FetcherForm", "IDLE_FETCHER", "fetcherWithComponents", "useFetchers", "UseFetchers", "from", "_ref11", "SCROLL_RESTORATION_STORAGE_KEY", "savedScrollPositions", "_temp4", "UseScrollRestoration", "restoreScrollPosition", "useMatches", "useNavigation", "scrollRestoration", "usePageHide", "scrollY", "sessionStorage", "setItem", "JSON", "stringify", "sessionPositions", "getItem", "parse", "getKeyWithoutBasename", "disableScrollRestoration", "enableScrollRestoration", "scrollTo", "el", "getElementById", "decodeURIComponent", "scrollIntoView", "useBeforeUnload", "callback", "capture", "addEventListener", "removeEventListener", "usePrompt", "_ref12", "when", "blocker", "useBlocker", "proceed", "confirm", "setTimeout", "reset", "currentPath", "nextPath", "matchPath"]