142 lines
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142 lines
5.4 KiB
import { GridOptions } from "./entities/gridOptions";
import { AgGridCommon } from "./interfaces/iCommon";
type GridOptionKey = keyof GridOptions;
type GetKeys<T, U> = {
[K in keyof T]: U extends T[K] ? K : (T[K] extends U | null | undefined ? K : never);
}[keyof T];
* Get the GridProperties that are of type `any`.
* Works by finding the properties that can extend a non existing string.
* This will only be the properties of type `any`.
export type AnyGridOptions = {
[K in keyof GridOptions]: GridOptions[K] extends 'NO_MATCH' ? K : never;
}[keyof GridOptions];
* Get all the GridOptions properties of the provided type.
* Will also include `any` properties.
type KeysLike<U> = Exclude<GetKeys<GridOptions, U>, undefined>;
* Get all the GridOption properties that strictly contain the provided type.
* Does not include `any` properties.
type KeysOfType<U> = Exclude<GetKeys<GridOptions, U>, AnyGridOptions>;
type CallbackKeys = KeysOfType<(any: AgGridCommon<any, any>) => any>;
/** All function properties excluding those explicity match the common callback interface. */
type FunctionKeys = Exclude<KeysLike<Function>, CallbackKeys>;
export declare const INITIAL_GRID_OPTION_KEYS: {
enableBrowserTooltips: boolean;
tooltipTrigger: boolean;
tooltipMouseTrack: boolean;
tooltipShowMode: boolean;
tooltipInteraction: boolean;
defaultColGroupDef: boolean;
suppressAutoSize: boolean;
skipHeaderOnAutoSize: boolean;
autoSizeStrategy: boolean;
components: boolean;
stopEditingWhenCellsLoseFocus: boolean;
undoRedoCellEditing: boolean;
undoRedoCellEditingLimit: boolean;
excelStyles: boolean;
cacheQuickFilter: boolean;
excludeHiddenColumnsFromQuickFilter: boolean;
advancedFilterModel: boolean;
customChartThemes: boolean;
chartThemeOverrides: boolean;
enableChartToolPanelsButton: boolean;
suppressChartToolPanelsButton: boolean;
chartToolPanelsDef: boolean;
loadingCellRendererSelector: boolean;
localeText: boolean;
keepDetailRows: boolean;
keepDetailRowsCount: boolean;
detailRowHeight: boolean;
detailRowAutoHeight: boolean;
tabIndex: boolean;
valueCache: boolean;
valueCacheNeverExpires: boolean;
enableCellExpressions: boolean;
suppressParentsInRowNodes: boolean;
suppressTouch: boolean;
suppressAsyncEvents: boolean;
suppressBrowserResizeObserver: boolean;
suppressPropertyNamesCheck: boolean;
debug: boolean;
loadingOverlayComponent: boolean;
suppressLoadingOverlay: boolean;
noRowsOverlayComponent: boolean;
paginationPageSizeSelector: boolean;
paginateChildRows: boolean;
pivotPanelShow: boolean;
pivotSuppressAutoColumn: boolean;
suppressExpandablePivotGroups: boolean;
aggFuncs: boolean;
suppressAggFuncInHeader: boolean;
suppressAggAtRootLevel: boolean;
removePivotHeaderRowWhenSingleValueColumn: boolean;
allowShowChangeAfterFilter: boolean;
ensureDomOrder: boolean;
enableRtl: boolean;
suppressColumnVirtualisation: boolean;
suppressMaxRenderedRowRestriction: boolean;
suppressRowVirtualisation: boolean;
rowDragText: boolean;
suppressGroupMaintainValueType: boolean;
groupLockGroupColumns: boolean;
rowGroupPanelSuppressSort: boolean;
suppressGroupRowsSticky: boolean;
rowModelType: boolean;
cacheOverflowSize: boolean;
infiniteInitialRowCount: boolean;
serverSideInitialRowCount: boolean;
suppressServerSideInfiniteScroll: boolean;
maxBlocksInCache: boolean;
maxConcurrentDatasourceRequests: boolean;
blockLoadDebounceMillis: boolean;
serverSideOnlyRefreshFilteredGroups: boolean;
serverSidePivotResultFieldSeparator: boolean;
viewportRowModelPageSize: boolean;
viewportRowModelBufferSize: boolean;
debounceVerticalScrollbar: boolean;
suppressAnimationFrame: boolean;
suppressPreventDefaultOnMouseWheel: boolean;
scrollbarWidth: boolean;
icons: boolean;
suppressRowTransform: boolean;
gridId: boolean;
functionsPassive: boolean;
enableGroupEdit: boolean;
initialState: boolean;
processUnpinnedColumns: boolean;
createChartContainer: boolean;
getLocaleText: boolean;
getRowId: boolean;
reactiveCustomComponents: boolean;
columnMenu: boolean;
type InitialGridOptionKey = keyof typeof INITIAL_GRID_OPTION_KEYS;
export type ManagedGridOptionKey = Exclude<GridOptionKey, InitialGridOptionKey>;
export type ManagedGridOptions<TData = any> = {
[K in (ManagedGridOptionKey)]?: GridOptions<TData>[K];
* These keys are used for validating properties supplied on a gridOptions object, and for code generation.
* If you change the properties on the gridOptions interface, you *must* update this file as well to be consistent.
export declare class PropertyKeys {
static STRING_PROPERTIES: KeysOfType<string>[];
static OBJECT_PROPERTIES: KeysLike<object | HTMLElement>[];
static ARRAY_PROPERTIES: KeysOfType<any[]>[];
static NUMBER_PROPERTIES: KeysOfType<number>[];
static BOOLEAN_PROPERTIES: KeysOfType<boolean>[];
/** You do not need to include event callbacks in this list, as they are generated automatically. */
static FUNCTIONAL_PROPERTIES: FunctionKeys[];
/** These callbacks extend AgGridCommon interface */
static CALLBACK_PROPERTIES: CallbackKeys[];
static FUNCTION_PROPERTIES: GridOptionKey[];
static ALL_PROPERTIES: GridOptionKey[];
export {};