2024-10-28 15:03:36 +05:30

627 lines
30 KiB

import { Column, ColumnPinnedType } from './entities/column';
import { ColDef } from './entities/colDef';
import { ProvidedColumnGroup } from './entities/providedColumnGroup';
import { FilterRequestSource } from './filter/filterManager';
import { ChartType } from './interfaces/iChartOptions';
import { IFilterComp } from './interfaces/iFilter';
import { CellRange, CellRangeParams } from './interfaces/IRangeService';
import { ServerSideTransactionResult } from "./interfaces/serverSideTransaction";
import { RowNodeTransaction } from "./interfaces/rowNodeTransaction";
import { AgChartThemeOverrides } from './interfaces/iAgChartOptions';
import { AgGridCommon } from './interfaces/iCommon';
import { RowPinnedType, IRowNode } from './interfaces/iRowNode';
import { GridState } from './interfaces/gridState';
export { Events } from './eventKeys';
export interface AgEvent {
/** Event identifier */
type: string;
export interface AgGridEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridCommon<TData, TContext>, AgEvent {
export type AgEventListener<TData = any, TContext = any> = (event: AgGridEvent<TData, TContext>) => void;
export type AgGlobalEventListener<TData = any, TContext = any> = (eventType: string, event: AgGridEvent<TData, TContext>) => void;
export interface ModelUpdatedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
/** If true, the grid will try and animate the rows to the new positions */
animate: boolean | undefined;
/** If true, the grid has new data loaded, eg user called setRowData(), otherwise
* it's the same data but sorted or filtered, in which case this is true, and rows
* can animate around (eg rowNode id 24 is the same row node as last time). */
keepRenderedRows: boolean | undefined;
/** If true, then this update was a result of setRowData() getting called. This
* gets the grid to scroll to the top again. */
newData: boolean | undefined;
/** True when pagination and a new page is navigated to. */
newPage: boolean;
/** True when page size changes from the page size selector. */
newPageSize?: boolean;
/** true if all we did is changed row height, data still the same, no need to clear the undo/redo stacks */
keepUndoRedoStack?: boolean;
export interface PaginationChangedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
/** True if rows were animated to new position */
animate?: boolean;
/** True if rows were kept (otherwise complete redraw) */
keepRenderedRows?: boolean;
/** True if data was new (i.e user set new data) */
newData?: boolean;
/** True if user went to a new page */
newPage: boolean;
/** True if user changed the page size */
newPageSize?: boolean;
export interface ToolPanelVisibleChangedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
source: 'sideBarButtonClicked' | 'sideBarInitializing' | 'api';
/** Key of tool panel. */
key: string;
/** True if now visible; false if now hidden. */
visible: boolean;
/** True if switching between tool panels. False if showing/hiding. */
switchingToolPanel: boolean;
export interface ToolPanelSizeChangedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
type: 'toolPanelSizeChanged';
/** True if this is the first change to the Tool Panel size. */
started: boolean;
/** True if this is the last change to the Tool Panel size. */
ended: boolean;
/** New width of the ToolPanel component. */
width: number;
export interface ColumnPivotModeChangedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
export interface VirtualColumnsChangedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
afterScroll: boolean;
export interface ColumnEverythingChangedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
source: string;
export interface NewColumnsLoadedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
source: ColumnEventType;
export interface GridColumnsChangedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
export interface DisplayedColumnsChangedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
export interface RowDataUpdatedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
export interface RowDataUpdateStartedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
firstRowData: TData | null;
export interface PinnedRowDataChangedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
* - `api` - from API method
* - `apiSelectAll` - from API methods `selectAll`/`deselectAll`
* - `apiSelectAllFiltered` - from API methods `selectAllFiltered`/`deselectAllFiltered`
* - `apiSelectAllCurrentPage` - from API methods `selectAllOnCurrentPage`/`deselectAllOnCurrentPage`
* - `checkboxSelected` - row selection checkbox clicked
* - `rowClicked` - row clicked when row selection enabled
* - `rowDataChanged` - row data updated which triggered selection updates
* - `rowGroupChanged` - grouping changed which updated the selection
* - `selectableChanged`- selectable status of row has changed when `groupSelectsChildren = true`
* - `spaceKey` - space key pressed on row
* - `uiSelectAll` - select all in header clicked
* - `uiSelectAllFiltered` - select all in header clicked when `headerCheckboxSelectionFilteredOnly = true`
* - `uiSelectAllCurrentPage` - select all in header clicked when `headerCheckboxSelectionCurrentPageOnly = true`
* - 'gridInitializing' - set as part of initial state while the grid is initializing
export type SelectionEventSourceType = 'api' | 'apiSelectAll' | 'apiSelectAllFiltered' | 'apiSelectAllCurrentPage' | 'checkboxSelected' | 'rowClicked' | 'rowDataChanged' | 'rowGroupChanged' | 'selectableChanged' | 'spaceKey' | 'uiSelectAll' | 'uiSelectAllFiltered' | 'uiSelectAllCurrentPage' | 'gridInitializing';
export interface SelectionChangedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
source: SelectionEventSourceType;
export type FilterChangedEventSourceType = 'api' | 'quickFilter' | 'columnFilter' | 'advancedFilter';
export interface FilterChangedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
* The source that triggered the filter change event. Can be one of the following:
* - `api` - triggered by an API call
* - `quickFilter` - triggered by user filtering from Quick Filter
* - `columnFilter` - triggered by user filtering from Column Menu
* - `advancedFilter` - triggered by user filtering from Advanced Filter
source?: FilterChangedEventSourceType;
/** True if the filter was changed as a result of data changing */
afterDataChange?: boolean;
/** True if filter was changed via floating filter */
afterFloatingFilter?: boolean;
* Columns affected by the filter change. Array contents depend on the source of the event.
* - Expect 1 element for UI-driven column filter changes.
* - Expect 0-N elements (all affected columns) for calls to `api.setFilterModel()`.
* - Expect 0-N elements (removed columns) for calls to `api.setColumnDefs()`.
* - Expect 0 elements for quick-filters and calls to `api.onFilterChanged()`.
columns: Column[];
export interface FilterModifiedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
filterInstance: IFilterComp;
column: Column;
export interface FilterOpenedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
/** Column / OriginalColumnGroup that contains the filter */
column: Column | ProvidedColumnGroup;
/** Source of the open request */
source: FilterRequestSource;
/** Parent element of the filter */
eGui: HTMLElement;
export interface FilterDestroyedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
source: 'api' | 'columnChanged' | 'gridDestroyed' | 'advancedFilterEnabled' | 'paramsUpdated';
column: Column;
export interface AdvancedFilterBuilderVisibleChangedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
/** Source of the visibility status change. */
source: 'api' | 'ui';
/** `true` if now visible. `false` if now hidden. */
visible: boolean;
export interface SortChangedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
/** Source of the sort change. */
source: string;
* The list of columns impacted by the sort change.
columns?: Column[];
export interface GridReadyEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
export interface GridPreDestroyedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
/** Current state of the grid */
state: GridState;
export interface ColumnContainerWidthChanged<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
export interface DisplayedColumnsWidthChangedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
export interface ColumnHoverChangedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
export interface BodyHeightChangedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
export interface ComponentStateChangedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
export interface ColumnPanelItemDragStartEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
column: Column | ProvidedColumnGroup;
export interface ColumnPanelItemDragEndEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
export interface AgDragEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
/** The DOM element that started the event. */
target: Element;
export interface DragStartedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgDragEvent<TData, TContext> {
type: 'dragStarted';
export interface DragStoppedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgDragEvent<TData, TContext> {
type: 'dragStopped';
export interface CheckboxChangedEvent extends AgEvent {
id: string;
name: string;
selected?: boolean;
previousValue: boolean | undefined;
export interface GridSizeChangedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
/** The grid's DIV's clientWidth */
clientWidth: number;
/** The grid's DIV's clientHeight */
clientHeight: number;
export interface PivotMaxColumnsExceededEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
message: string;
export interface RowDragEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
/** Event identifier: One of rowDragEnter, rowDragMove, rowDragEnd, rowDragLeave */
type: string;
/** The row node getting dragged. Also the node that started the drag when multi-row dragging. */
node: IRowNode<TData>;
/** The list of nodes being dragged. */
nodes: IRowNode<TData>[];
/** The underlying mouse move event associated with the drag. */
event: MouseEvent;
/** The `eventPath` persists the `event.composedPath()` result for access within AG Grid event handlers. */
eventPath?: EventTarget[];
/** Direction of the drag, either `'up'`, `'down'` or `null` (if mouse is moving horizontally and not vertically). */
vDirection: string;
/** The row index the mouse is dragging over or -1 if over no row. */
overIndex: number;
/** The row node the mouse is dragging over or undefined if over no row. */
overNode?: IRowNode<TData>;
/** The vertical pixel location the mouse is over, with `0` meaning the top of the first row.
* This can be compared to the `rowNode.rowHeight` and `rowNode.rowTop` to work out the mouse position relative to rows.
* The provided attributes `overIndex` and `overNode` means the `y` property is mostly redundant.
* The `y` property can be handy if you want more information such as 'how close is the mouse to the top or bottom of the row?'
y: number;
export interface RowDragEnterEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends RowDragEvent<TData, TContext> {
export interface RowDragEndEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends RowDragEvent<TData, TContext> {
export interface RowDragMoveEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends RowDragEvent<TData, TContext> {
export interface RowDragLeaveEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends RowDragEvent<TData, TContext> {
export interface CutStartEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
source: 'api' | 'ui' | 'contextMenu';
export interface CutEndEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
source: 'api' | 'ui' | 'contextMenu';
export interface PasteStartEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
source: string;
export interface PasteEndEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
source: string;
export interface FillStartEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
export interface FillEndEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
initialRange: CellRange;
finalRange: CellRange;
export interface RangeDeleteStartEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
source: 'deleteKey';
export interface RangeDeleteEndEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
source: 'deleteKey';
export interface UndoStartedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
/** Source of the event. `api` if via API method. `ui` if via keyboard shortcut. */
source: 'api' | 'ui';
export interface UndoEndedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
/** Source of the event. `api` if via API method. `ui` if via keyboard shortcut. */
source: 'api' | 'ui';
/** `true` if any undo operations were performed. */
operationPerformed: boolean;
export interface RedoStartedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
/** Source of the event. `api` if via API method. `ui` if via keyboard shortcut. */
source: 'api' | 'ui';
export interface RedoEndedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
/** Source of the event. `api` if via API method. `ui` if via keyboard shortcut. */
source: 'api' | 'ui';
/** `true` if any redo operations were performed. */
operationPerformed: boolean;
export interface ViewportChangedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
/** Index of the first rendered row */
firstRow: number;
/** Index of the last rendered row */
lastRow: number;
export interface FirstDataRenderedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
/** Index of the first rendered row */
firstRow: number;
/** Index of the last rendered row */
lastRow: number;
export interface RangeSelectionChangedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
id?: string;
/** True for the first change event, otherwise false */
started: boolean;
/** True for the last change event, otherwise false */
finished: boolean;
export interface ChartCreated<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
/** Will always be `chartCreated`. */
type: string;
/** Id of the created chart. This can later be used to reference the chart via api methods. */
chartId: string;
export interface ChartRangeSelectionChanged<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
/** Will always be `chartRangeSelectionChanged`. */
type: string;
/** Id of the effected chart. */
chartId: string;
/** Same as `chartId`. */
id: string;
/** New cellRange selected. */
cellRange: CellRangeParams;
export interface ChartOptionsChanged<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
/** Will always be `chartOptionsChanged`. */
type: string;
/** Id of the effected chart. */
chartId: string;
/** ChartType */
chartType: ChartType;
/** Chart theme name of currently selected theme. */
chartThemeName: string;
/** Chart options. */
chartOptions: AgChartThemeOverrides;
export interface ChartDestroyed<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
/** Will always be `chartDestroyed`. */
type: string;
/** Id of the effected chart. */
chartId: string;
export interface ColumnGroupOpenedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
columnGroup?: ProvidedColumnGroup;
columnGroups: ProvidedColumnGroup[];
export interface ItemsAddedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
items: IRowNode<TData>[];
export type ScrollDirection = 'horizontal' | 'vertical';
export interface BodyScrollEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
direction: ScrollDirection;
left: number;
top: number;
export interface BodyScrollEndEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends BodyScrollEvent<TData, TContext> {
export interface FlashCellsEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
cells: any;
export interface TooltipEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
parentGui: HTMLElement;
export interface TooltipShowEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends TooltipEvent<TData, TContext> {
tooltipGui: HTMLElement;
export interface TooltipHideEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends TooltipEvent<TData, TContext> {
export interface PaginationPixelOffsetChangedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
export interface CommonCellFocusParams {
/** Row index of the focused cell */
rowIndex: number | null;
/** Column of the focused cell */
column: Column | string | null;
/** either 'top', 'bottom' or null / undefined (if not pinned) */
rowPinned: RowPinnedType;
/** Whether the cell a full width cell or a regular cell */
isFullWidthCell?: boolean;
export interface CellFocusClearedParams extends CommonCellFocusParams {
export interface CellFocusedParams extends CommonCellFocusParams {
/** Whether browser focus is also set (false when editing) */
forceBrowserFocus?: boolean;
/** When `forceBrowserFocus` is `true`, should scroll be prevented */
preventScrollOnBrowserFocus?: boolean;
floating?: string | null;
export interface CellFocusClearedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext>, CellFocusClearedParams {
export interface CellFocusedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext>, CellFocusedParams {
export interface FullWidthRowFocusedEvent<TData = any> extends CellFocusedEvent<TData> {
fromBelow: boolean;
export interface ExpandCollapseAllEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
source: string;
export type ColumnEventType = "sizeColumnsToFit" | "autosizeColumns" | "autosizeColumnHeaderHeight" | "alignedGridChanged" | "filterChanged" | "filterDestroyed" | "gridOptionsChanged" | "gridInitializing" | "toolPanelDragAndDrop" | "toolPanelUi" | "uiColumnMoved" | "uiColumnResized" | "uiColumnDragged" | "uiColumnExpanded" | "uiColumnSorted" | "contextMenu" | "columnMenu" | "rowModelUpdated" | "rowDataUpdated" | "api" | "flex" | "pivotChart" | "columnRowGroupChanged" | "cellDataTypeInferred" | "viewportSizeFeature";
export interface ColumnEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
/** The impacted column, only set if action was on one column */
column: Column | null;
/** List of all impacted columns */
columns: Column[] | null;
/** String describing where the event is coming from */
source: ColumnEventType;
export interface ColumnResizedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends ColumnEvent<TData, TContext> {
/** Set to true for last event in a sequence of move events */
finished: boolean;
/** Any columns resized due to flex */
flexColumns: Column[] | null;
export interface ColumnPivotChangedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends ColumnEvent<TData, TContext> {
export interface ColumnRowGroupChangedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends ColumnEvent<TData, TContext> {
export interface ColumnValueChangedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends ColumnEvent<TData, TContext> {
export interface ColumnMovedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends ColumnEvent<TData, TContext> {
/** The position the column was moved to */
toIndex?: number;
/** `True` when the column has finished moving. */
finished: boolean;
export interface ColumnVisibleEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends ColumnEvent<TData, TContext> {
/** True if column was set to visible, false if set to hide, undefined if in a single call some columns were shown while others hidden */
visible?: boolean;
export interface ColumnPinnedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends ColumnEvent<TData, TContext> {
/** Either 'left', 'right', or null (it not pinned) */
pinned: ColumnPinnedType;
export interface ColumnHeaderMouseOverEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
/** Column or column-group related to the header that triggered the event */
column: Column | ProvidedColumnGroup;
export interface ColumnHeaderMouseLeaveEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
/** Column or column-group related to the header that triggered the event */
column: Column | ProvidedColumnGroup;
export interface ColumnHeaderClickedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
/** Column or column-group related to the header that triggered the event */
column: Column | ProvidedColumnGroup;
export interface ColumnHeaderContextMenuEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
/** Column or column-group related to the header that triggered the event */
column: Column | ProvidedColumnGroup;
export interface ColumnMenuVisibleChangedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
/** True if now visible; false if now hidden. */
visible: boolean;
/** True if switching between tabs. False if showing/hiding. Only applies to legacy tabbed menu. */
switchingTab: boolean;
* Currently displayed menu/tab.
* If filter launched from floating filter, will be `'floatingFilter'`.
* If using AG Grid Enterprise and `columnMenu = 'legacy'`,
* will be the tab `'generalMenuTab'`, `'filterMenuTab'` or `'columnsMenuTab'`.
* If using AG Grid Community and `columnMenu = 'legacy'`, will be `'columnMenu'`.
* If using `columnMenu = 'new'`, will be `'columnMenu'` for the column menu,
* `'columnFilter'` for the column filter, and `'columnChooser'` for the column chooser.
key: 'generalMenuTab' | 'filterMenuTab' | 'columnsMenuTab' | 'columnMenu' | 'columnFilter' | 'floatingFilter' | 'columnChooser';
* Column the menu is opened for. Will be `null` if not launched from a column
* (e.g. column chooser from the API, or column menu via right-click on an empty header).
column: Column | null;
interface BaseRowEvent<TData, TContext> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
/** The row node. */
node: IRowNode<TData>;
/** The visible row index for the row */
rowIndex: number | null;
/** Either 'top', 'bottom' or null / undefined (if not set) */
rowPinned: RowPinnedType;
/** If event was due to browser event (eg click), this is the browser event */
event?: Event | null;
/** If the browser `event` is present the `eventPath` persists the `event.composedPath()` result for access within AG Grid event handlers. */
eventPath?: EventTarget[];
export interface RowEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends BaseRowEvent<TData, TContext> {
/** The user provided data for the row. Data is `undefined` for row groups. */
data: TData | undefined;
/** Base interface for row events that always have data set. */
interface RowWithDataEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends BaseRowEvent<TData, TContext> {
/** The user provided data for the row. */
data: TData;
export interface RowGroupOpenedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends RowEvent<TData, TContext> {
/** True if the group is expanded. */
expanded: boolean;
export interface RowValueChangedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends RowEvent<TData, TContext> {
export interface RowSelectedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends RowEvent<TData, TContext> {
source: SelectionEventSourceType;
export interface VirtualRowRemovedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends RowEvent<TData, TContext> {
export interface RowClickedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends RowEvent<TData, TContext> {
export interface RowDoubleClickedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends RowEvent<TData, TContext> {
export interface RowEditingStartedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends RowEvent<TData, TContext> {
export interface RowEditingStoppedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends RowEvent<TData, TContext> {
export interface FullWidthCellKeyDownEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends RowEvent<TData, TContext> {
export interface CellEvent<TData = any, TValue = any> extends RowEvent<TData> {
column: Column<TValue>;
colDef: ColDef<TData, TValue>;
/** The value for the cell if available otherwise undefined. */
value: TValue | null | undefined;
/** Use for cell events that will always have a data property. */
interface CellWithDataEvent<TData = any, TValue = any> extends RowWithDataEvent<TData> {
column: Column<TValue>;
colDef: ColDef<TData, TValue>;
/** The value for the cell */
value: TValue | null | undefined;
export interface CellKeyDownEvent<TData = any, TValue = any> extends CellEvent<TData, TValue> {
export interface CellClickedEvent<TData = any, TValue = any> extends CellEvent<TData, TValue> {
export interface CellMouseDownEvent<TData = any, TValue = any> extends CellEvent<TData, TValue> {
export interface CellDoubleClickedEvent<TData = any, TValue = any> extends CellEvent<TData, TValue> {
export interface CellMouseOverEvent<TData = any, TValue = any> extends CellEvent<TData, TValue> {
export interface CellMouseOutEvent<TData = any, TValue = any> extends CellEvent<TData, TValue> {
export interface CellContextMenuEvent<TData = any, TValue = any> extends CellEvent<TData, TValue> {
export interface CellEditingStartedEvent<TData = any, TValue = any> extends CellEvent<TData, TValue> {
export interface CellEditingStoppedEvent<TData = any, TValue = any> extends CellEvent<TData, TValue> {
/** The old value before editing */
oldValue: TValue | null | undefined;
/** The new value after editing */
newValue: TValue | null | undefined;
/** Property indicating if the value of the editor has changed */
valueChanged: boolean;
export interface CellValueChangedEvent<TData = any, TValue = any> extends CellWithDataEvent<TData, TValue> {
oldValue: TValue | null | undefined;
newValue: TValue | null | undefined;
source: string | undefined;
export interface CellEditRequestEvent<TData = any, TValue = any> extends CellWithDataEvent<TData, TValue> {
oldValue: TValue | null | undefined;
newValue: TValue | null | undefined;
source: string | undefined;
export interface AsyncTransactionsFlushed<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
* Array of result objects. for SSRM it's always list of `ServerSideTransactionResult`.
* For Client-Side Row Model it's a list of `RowNodeTransaction`.
results: (RowNodeTransaction<TData> | ServerSideTransactionResult)[];
export interface ColumnRequestEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
columns: Column[];
export interface ColumnRowGroupChangeRequestEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends ColumnRequestEvent<TData, TContext> {
export interface ColumnPivotChangeRequestEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends ColumnRequestEvent<TData, TContext> {
export interface ColumnValueChangeRequestEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends ColumnRequestEvent<TData, TContext> {
export interface ColumnAggFuncChangeRequestEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends ColumnRequestEvent<TData, TContext> {
aggFunc: any;
export interface StoreRefreshedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
/** The route of the store which has finished refreshing, undefined if root level */
route?: string[];
export interface StateUpdatedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
/** Which parts of the state triggered the update, or `gridInitializing` when the state has been created during grid initialization */
sources: (keyof GridState | 'gridInitializing')[];
/** The updated state */
state: GridState;
export interface ScrollVisibilityChangedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
export interface StoreUpdatedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
export interface LeftPinnedWidthChangedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
export interface RightPinnedWidthChangedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
export interface RowContainerHeightChanged<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
export interface DisplayedRowsChangedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
afterScroll: boolean;
export interface CssVariablesChanged<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
/** Internal EVENTS */
export interface AdvancedFilterEnabledChangedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
enabled: boolean;
export interface DataTypesInferredEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
export interface FieldValueEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends AgGridEvent<TData, TContext> {
value: any;
export interface FieldPickerValueSelectedEvent<TData = any, TContext = any> extends FieldValueEvent {
fromEnterKey: boolean;
export declare const ALWAYS_SYNC_GLOBAL_EVENTS: Set<string>;