85 lines
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85 lines
3.4 KiB
import * as React from 'react';
import { ClassValue } from 'clsx';
export type WithCommonProps<T> = T & {
className?: string;
style?: React.CSSProperties;
ref?: React.Ref<any>;
type EventHandlers = Record<string, React.EventHandler<any>>;
type ExtractComponentProps<P> = P extends infer T | ((ownerState: any) => infer T) ? T : never;
* An internal function to create a Material UI slot.
* This is an advanced version of Base UI `useSlotProps` because Material UI allows leaf component to be customized via `component` prop
* while Base UI does not need to support leaf component customization.
* @param {string} name: name of the slot
* @param {object} parameters
* @returns {[Slot, slotProps]} The slot's React component and the slot's props
* Note: the returned slot's props
* - will never contain `component` prop.
* - might contain `as` prop.
export default function useSlot<T extends string, ElementType extends React.ElementType, SlotProps, OwnerState extends {}, ExternalSlotProps extends {
component?: React.ElementType;
ref?: React.Ref<any>;
}, ExternalForwardedProps extends {
component?: React.ElementType;
slots?: {
[k in T]?: React.ElementType;
slotProps?: {
[k in T]?: ExternalSlotProps | ((ownerState: OwnerState) => ExternalSlotProps);
}, AdditionalProps, SlotOwnerState extends {}>(
* The slot's name. All Material UI components should have `root` slot.
* If the name is `root`, the logic behaves differently from other slots,
* e.g. the `externalForwardedProps` are spread to `root` slot but not other slots.
name: T, parameters: (T extends 'root' ? {
ref: React.ForwardedRef<any>;
} : {
ref?: React.ForwardedRef<any>;
}) & {
* The slot's className
className: ClassValue | ClassValue[];
* The slot's default styled-component
elementType: ElementType;
* The component's ownerState
ownerState: OwnerState;
* The `other` props from the consumer. It has to contain `component`, `slots`, and `slotProps`.
* The function will use those props to calculate the final rendered element and the returned props.
* If the slot is not `root`, the rest of the `externalForwardedProps` are neglected.
externalForwardedProps: ExternalForwardedProps;
getSlotProps?: (other: EventHandlers) => WithCommonProps<SlotProps>;
additionalProps?: WithCommonProps<AdditionalProps>;
* For overriding the component's ownerState for the slot.
* This is required for some components that need styling via `ownerState`.
* It is a function because `slotProps.{slot}` can be a function which has to be resolved first.
getSlotOwnerState?: (mergedProps: AdditionalProps & SlotProps & ExternalSlotProps & ExtractComponentProps<Exclude<Exclude<ExternalForwardedProps['slotProps'], undefined>[T], undefined>>) => SlotOwnerState;
* props forward to `T` only if the `slotProps.*.component` is not provided.
* e.g. Autocomplete's listbox uses Popper + StyledComponent
internalForwardedProps?: any;
}): [ElementType, {
className: string;
ownerState: OwnerState & SlotOwnerState;
} & AdditionalProps & SlotProps & ExternalSlotProps & ExtractComponentProps<Exclude<Exclude<ExternalForwardedProps["slotProps"], undefined>[T], undefined>>];
export {};